Manage Views and Defaults

Manage Views and Defaults

About Views and Defaults

In the Eagle Portal, the workflow for managing Views and Defaults for query reports and dashboards are the same. The owner of a query or dashboard view can modify or delete a shared view. This enforces a one-to-one relationship between a shared view and a user's My View. This means you cannot delete the My View unless you first delete its dependent shared view. You can create only one shared view from one My View.

After creating a view for a query or a dashboard, you can save it from the Current View menu. You can create different views on a query and publish them to be used by different users.

In Eagle Portal’s Manage menu, you can select Views to see the views that are created and published for the query or dashboard. When you select Views, you see the views you have created displaying in upper pane, My Views. In bottom pane, Shared Views, these are the views that are published to your users. You can also select Defaults to set criteria for a view, or to set a specific view to be used as default view with the View Criteria and Set Initial View options.

Configure the View Criteria Option

The View Criteria option allows you to specify the use of the default portfolio defined by the Eagle Portal Administrator in the User Settings Explorer. You can also select a portfolio, date rule, or an Auto Run when running a query or a dashboard for the view.

To configure the View Criteria option:

  1. Log in to the Eagle Portal.

  2. Click the Manage drop down and select Defaults.
    You see the Set Initial View dialog box.

  3. Click View Criteria.
    You see the View Criteria dialog box.

  4. Select the Use default portfolio or choose different one check box if you want to use the default portfolio as defined in the User Settings Explorer. If no default portfolio is defined in User Settings Explorer, but you want a specific portfolio or portfolios to run for this view, click the drop down and select the portfolio or portfolios. Also, select the check box under the Default column. Best practice is to use the default portfolio defined in the User Settings Explorer.

  5. Click the Date Rule drop down to select a date rule if you want this view for query or dashboard to always use a date rule. Also, check the box underneath the Default column.

  6. Check the Automatically run view with these criterions check box if you want this view for query or dashboard to auto run with the defined criteria.

  7. Click Apply to save your settings.

Configure the Set Initial View Option

The Set Initial View option allows you to select a specific view to be used as the default view every time you run a query or dashboard. Eagle Portal Administrators with permission to manage views and defaults can select a view and set it as the default view.

To configure the Set Initial View option:

  1. Log in to the Eagle Portal.

  2. Click the Manage drop down and select Defaults.
    You see the Set Initial View dialog box.

    Set Initial View Dialog Box
  3. Select Set default view for all, Set default view for a user, or Set default view for a group.

  4. In Available Views, select the drop down from Set default view to select the view you want to set as the default.

  5. Click Apply to save your settings.

Configure Dashboard Views

The Eagle Portal Administrator can configure dashboard views and define entity criteria for all dashboard views or for a specific dashboard view based on user permissions of individual users, business groups, or all Eagle Portal users.

In the Eagle Portal, the entity criteria are displayed in the View Criteria dialog box that is accessed from the Manage menu and Defaults option.

To configure dashboard views:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

  2. Enter Portal Administration in the Start Search text box.

  3. Click the Portal Administration (Reporting Center) link to access Portal Administration.
    You see the Portal Administration window.

  4. Click Yes in the Do you see the Eagle logo here? dialog box.
    You see the Portal Query Explorer window as the default.

  5. Click the Portal Query Explorer drop down menu and select User Settings Explorer.
    You see the User Settings Explorer window.

    User Settings Explorer Window
  6. Under Dashboard, select Dashboard Views and click the plus sign next to Dashboard.
    You see all the available dashboard views.

  7. To define entity criteria to be used by all dashboard views, click the ellipsis on the far right of the Dashboard row.
    You see the Define Filter dialog box.

  8. Define the appropriate criteria and click OK.

  9. To define entity criteria for a specific dashboard view, click the ellipsis on the far right of a dashboard view row.

  10. Define the appropriate entity criteria and click OK.

Manage Dashboard Views

In the Eagle Portal, you can create, edit, delete, and publish dashboard views.

To manage dashboard views:

  1. Log in to the Eagle Portal.

  2. From the Dashboards window, select Views from the Manage drop down menu.
    You see Views window with My Dashboard Views displayed in the upper pane and Shared Dashboard Views displayed in the bottom pane.

  3. Complete the following options in the Views window.




Click an underlined column name to sort the column in ascending or descending order.


Click to create a new dashboard view.


Click to edit an existing dashboard view.


Click to copy a private or shared dashboard view.


Click to delete a private or shared dashboard view.

Only the owner of a dashboard view can modify or delete a shared view. This enforces a one-to-one relationship between a shared view and a user's dashboard view. This means you cannot delete a view from My Dashboard Views unless you first delete its dependent shared view from Shared Dashboard Views. Because of this one-to-one relationship, you can create only one Shared Dashboard view from one My Dashboard view.


Click to refresh the contents of the window.

Publish a Dashboard View

Click the Publish icon associated with a view in My Dashboard Views to publish it.

Manage Dashboard Parts

Click to access the Manage Dashboard Parts window.

Publish a Dashboard View

In the Eagle Portal, dashboard views can be published for use by different users.

To publish a dashboard view:

  1. Log in to the Eagle Portal.

  2. From My Dashboard Views, select the view you want to publish and click the Publish icon.
    You see the Publish Dashboard View window.

  3. Complete the options in the Publish Dashboard View window.
    Publish As: Enter the name of the dashboard view your users will see in Eagle Portal.
    Description: Enter a description of the dashboard view. Click the Description icon to add a translation if you are running multilingual Eagle Portal. Instead of entering an English value for the name and description, enter the value in the language you are using.
    Add/Move: Click to assign the view to specific users or business groups. Or select Make this available to all users to publish to all users.

  4. Click Save and Publish.
    The view is now published and is displayed in the Shared Dashboard Views section.