Configure Menus

Configure Menus

This section describes how to configure menu categories and menu options in the Eagle Portal.

This section assumes you know how to add code values in the Codes window of the System Management Center.

About Menus

The Eagle Portal allows you to customize the content of the Queries menu. You can configure menu categories and manage the order of menu contents for the Eagle Portal users, including for individual user, business group, or default user profile.

Create Code Values for Menus

You need to set up code values before you can add a menu category in the Eagle Portal.

To create code values for menus:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

  2. Enter Codes in the Start Search text box.

  3. Click the Codes (ETL Center) link.
    You see the Codes window.
    The code that controls the available Portal menu categories is IPORTALMENUCAT, id 10271. You can edit this code to create a new menu category in the Eagle Portal.

    You see the Code Values window. This window lists the existing menu codes in the Eagle Portal.

  5. Click Add.
    You see the Codes Value dialog box.

    Code Values Webpage Dialog Box
  6. Complete the Short Name and Long Name fields on the Code Values dialog box.
    Short Name: Specifies the name of the code. Use a short, descriptive code name. Portal uses the short description as an internal reference for each query. Do not enter a space for Short Name.
    Long Name: Specifies the menu name displayed in Portal. The short name and long name do not have to be the same. To change the name of an existing menu, edit the code value and change the long description.

  7. Click Add.

  8. Click Save All.
    The new code is now available.

Manage Menu Categories

You can add or remove menu categories from the Queries menu in the Eagle Portal.

To manage menu categories:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

  2. Enter Portal Administration in the Start Search text box.

  3. Click the Portal Administration (Reporting Center) link to access Portal Administration.
    You see the Portal Administration window.

  4. Click Yes in the Do you see the Eagle logo here? dialog box.
    You see the Portal Query Explorer window as the default.

  5. Click Menu Order.
    This option allows you to configure a menu category for a specific user, group, or default user profile. If all Eagle Portal users can use the same menu category, then accept the default: User: DEFAULT. If the Eagle Portal users need to have different menus, click the Choose User/Group link in the Portal Menu Setup dialog box to continue. Best practice is to configure the menu using business groups, if the menu will be different for your Portal users.
    You see the Portal Menu Setup dialog box.

    Portal Menu Setup Dialog Box
  6. For this example, assume all Eagle Portal users can use the same menu. Click the drop down list in a blank row and select a new menu.

  7. Use Move Up or Move Down to set the order of the menu categories.

  8. Click OK.
    You have added a menu category to the Queries menu in the Eagle Portal.

  9. To remove a menu category, click Menu Order.
    You see the Portal Menu Setup dialog box.

  10. Select the menu category and click Remove Menu.

  11. Click OK.
    You have removed a menu category from the Queries menu in the Eagle Portal.

Add Menu Options

You can configure a menu category to display one or more query reports and assign a query report to any menu category.

To add a query report as a menu option under the menu category:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

  2. Enter Portal Administration in the Start Search text box.

  3. Click the Portal Administration (Reporting Center) link to access Portal Administration.
    You see the Portal Administration window.

  4. Click Yes in the Do you see the Eagle logo here? dialog box.
    You see the Portal Query Explorer window as the default.

  5. Click Menu Order.
    You see the Portal Menu Setup dialog box.

  6. Highlight a menu item and select Menu Contents to see the query reports for that menu item.
    You see the Menu Content Order dialog box.

  7. Select the query report.

  8. Use Move Up or Move Down to arrange the order of the query reports.

  9. Click OK.
    The query report is now available as a menu option under the specified menu category.