Manage Settings

Manage Settings

This section describes how to enable access and manage the system configuration settings in the Eagle Portal.

About Settings

You can manage system configuration globally for Eagle Portal using System Configuration function under the Settings menu in the Eagle Portal. The system configuration settings are stored in the database. They are not overwritten when you upgrade.

You must have permissions to manage the Eagle Portal system configuration settings.

Change Your Password

You can change your Eagle Portal password using the Change Password options via the Settings link.

Manage System Configuration

To manage system configuration:

  1. Log in to the Eagle Portal.

  2. Click the Settings link in the upper right corner.
    You see a dialog box with different options on the left side. The options that you see depend on the permission that has been granted to you. The option is highlighted in bold when you click on it.

System Configuration Options

The following system configuration settings are available:

Change Password. Change your password. Enter your current password, and a new password in the New Password field.

Downloads. The ERX Viewer allows users to view Eagle's proprietary ERX report formats. From this link, users can download the ERX Viewer application so they can view ERX format reports. The Viewer is downloaded from a virtual directory on the Web server. In Viewer URL, use a partial URL or absolute URL to specify the path of the ERX installation file. This is needed if your users do not already have the ERX Viewer installed and they need to view ERX format reports in their Reports window. The path can be defined as http://website/location/erxviewersetup.exe.

Inbox. Inbox options include:

  • Inbox. Select if you want your users to have access to the Reports window.

  • Inbox Delete all. Select if you want to allow users to delete all reports in the Inbox. This option deletes only reports that are sent to the Inbox.

  • Inbox delete selected. Select if you want to allow users to delete selected reports in the Inbox. Users can delete selected reports by clicking the check box to the left of the report name link and clicking Delete. This function deletes only reports that are published to the specific user.

  • Number of Inbox reports per page. Select the number of reports to display per page in the Inbox.

Portfolios. Options in the Portfolios dialog box include:

  • Allow multiple portfolios to be selected for dashboards. If enabled, Eagle Portal users can select more than one fund when running dashboards.

  • My Portfolios Area. Select to display the Portfolios window.

  • Number of portfolios per page. Select the number of portfolios to display per page.

  • Portfolio Selector. Display a column name from Entity table. Specifies the Portfolio display column name from the rulesdbo.entity, ENTITY_NAME by default.

  • Portfolio Selector. Items per page. Select the number of portfolios to display when searching for portfolios.

  • Portfolio. Retain selected portfolio across query reports. Select to retain the portfolio when you navigate between query reports, keeping the current portfolio active.

  • Use exact match on character fields. Select if users must type in an exact match before portfolio selector returns any results.

Queries. Options in the Queries dialog box include:

  • Concentration query currency conversion. Determines if currency conversion is available when running queries.

  • Datamart details per page. Select the number of items to display per page in the Datamart Details report. The default is 10.

  • Entity history. Determines whether to consider entity history when retrieving entity information on the queries.

  • Multiple portfolios allowed when supported. Determines whether you can select multiple portfolios at one time when running queries.

  • Number of query results per page. Select the number of results from query reports to display per page.

  • Pivot query records per page. Select the number of results from cross tab query reports to display per page

  • Trades/Cash date types. Determines the date type you can select from the Date Type drop down list.

Query Export Options: Options in the Query Export Options dialog box include

  • Export to CSV. Determines if the option to export to comma separated text is available for query reports.

  • Export to HTML. Determines if the option to export to printer ready HTML is available for query reports.

  • Export to PDF. Determines if the option to export to Adobe PDF is available for query reports and dashboard results.

  • Export to XLS. Determines if the option to export to Microsoft Excel is available for query reports.

Run a report. Options in the Run a report dialog box include:

  • Number of run reports results per page. Determines the number of reports to display in Scheduled in the Reports window.

  • Run report. Determines if the Scheduled window is available in the Reports window.

  • Scheduled delete selected. Determines if users can delete selected reports from Scheduled.

Security Lookup. Options in the Security Lookup dialog box include:

  • Security lookup database query use upper. Select to allow case insensitive search in security lookup even when the security is stored in the Oracle database using upper case.

  • Security lookup results per page. Determines the number of results to display per page on the security lookup results page.

  • Use exact match on character fields. Select if you want results to return only when there is an exact match on character fields.

Settings. Options in the Settings dialog box include:

  • Change password link. Determines if the Change your password option is available to users in Settings.

  • Manage default settings. Determines if the option to manage default settings is available to users in the Manage menu after running dashboards or queries.

  • Settings link. Determines if the Settings link is available. The Settings link should be enabled since you need to access the Settings link to set system configurations. If you deselect this, the only way to restore the Settings link is from the database. Go to the table, portal_sys_setting, in PACE_MASTERDBO and identify the appropriate System_ID where username is !SYSTEM!
    KEY_ID 49, Settings Link, in portal_sys_setting_info is the key that controls the display of Setting link.
    The values for each setting based on their key_id are stored in portal_sys_setting_detail table's Value column. Boolean values such as display or not display settings are stored as 0 for false, 1 for true.
    Identify your record in pace_master.dbo.portal_sys_setting_detai where key_id = 49 and you can update the value back to 1. Now recycle all pace appserver instances and the Settings link will return.

  • User/Group selector items per page. Determines the number of items displayed when using the User/Group selector.

System. Options in the System dialog box include:

  • Help link. Determines if the Help link is available.

  • Logout link - Determines if the Logout link is available.

  • Number of items to show on page. Determines the number of items to display for Results Per Page.

  • Prefix for View ID. Define a value to control the prefix that is used for query views. Use this option to avoid a possible view id conflict resulting from using EAGLEMART Portal Contents after migration.

  • String to show for no data values. The string to display when values are missing in data.

After making changes, you must log out and log back in to the Eagle Portal for the new settings to take effect.