Configure MicroStrategy Reports
This section describes how to configure and access MicroStrategy reports from the Eagle Portal.
You can communicate with the MicroStrategy Server to access MicroStrategy reports from within Advanced Reports and the Eagle Portal. You can also create Value and Attribute Element prompts in MicroStrategy for use in the Eagle Portal. Single sign on (SSO) support is provided for MicroStrategy Advanced Reports and Eagle Portal queries.
About the MicroStrategy Server
You can configure Eagle to communicate with the MicroStrategy server. Once Eagle is configured, you can create an Advanced Report that refers to a MicroStrategy report.
In this section
Although you refer to a MicroStrategy report from within Advanced Reports, MicroStrategy reports are developed in the MicroStrategy product, and continue to be part of your MicroStrategy environment.
Eagle MicroStrategy integration means that you can build an Eagle event where the MicroStrategy report is the underlying event. For example, you can create an Advanced Report in Eagle’s Advanced Report module that refers to a MicroStrategy report within MicroStrategy.
To access MicroStrategy reports from Advanced Reports or the Eagle Portal, you must make configuration changes within Eagle. This allows Eagle to locate and communicate with the MicroStrategy server and navigate their project menus.
About MicroStrategy Integration
The following information is important to keep in mind for the Eagle Portal and MicroStrategy integration:
MicroStrategy offers interactivity within the query, including filtering, multiple dashboard levels, and navigation between reports using Selectors.
When using MicroStrategy queries in the Eagle Portal, Eagle recommends you do not use the right-click functionality available for some table fields that permits drilling, as used in MicroStrategy, through data hierarchies. If you do so, you cannot return to the upper level of the report. You have to rerun the query to regenerate the report.
You can export a MicroStrategy document in PDF and Excel format. When you export a MicroStrategy report in Excel format, the document's graphs become valid Excel graphs that you can configure, and the document's grids become regular cells in the spreadsheet.