Submit a Schedule Ad Hoc

Submit a Schedule Ad Hoc

In the Schedule workspace, you can submit schedules to run at any time, with or without overrides.

In the Schedule workspace, Data Export, Data Upload, Issuer Relationship Builder, and Data Archive events can also be submitted with the special Ad Hoc option that allows one time activation of these events with dependencies and time limits ignored.

Submit a Schedule without Overrides

To submit a schedule without overrides:

  1. In Automation Desk, click Schedule in the left navigation.

  2. Click the Find button to find specific schedules in the workspace or search for schedules based on the Event Type, Event Name, Schedule Name, Recurrence Pattern, Update Source, Enable Flag, or Schedule Group. You can use the wildcard "*" when searching based on the Event Name and Schedule Name.

    Submit a Schedule Ad Hoc
  3. Click the schedule you wish to submit, click the Submit button drop down and select Selected.

    Submit a Schedule Ad Hoc

    You see a message that the event in the schedule was successfully submitted.

    Submit Confirmation Dialog Box
  4. Click OK to return to the Schedule workspace.

  5. To view the last run of the schedule, click the schedule name and click the Last Run button.

  6. To monitor the event's status, click Monitor in the left navigation.

Submit a Schedule with Overrides

If you submit a schedule With Overrides, all schedule dependencies and time limits are NOT taken into account. This submission becomes a simple submission of the event in the schedule.

To submit a schedule with overrides:

  1. In Automation Desk, click Schedule in the left navigation.

  2. Click the Find button to find specific schedules in the workspace or search for schedules based on the Event Type, Event Name, Schedule Name, Recurrence Pattern, Update Source, Enable Flag, or Schedule Group. You can use the wildcard "*" when searching based on the Event Name and Schedule Name.

    Submit a Schedule with Overrides
  3. Click the schedule you wish to submit, click the Submit button drop down and select With Overrides.

    Submit a Schedule with Overrides
  4. In the Submit With Overrides dialog box, change the options as needed and click Submit

    Submit with Overrides

    You see a message that the event in the schedule was successfully submitted.

    Summitted Successfully dialog
  5. Click OK to return to the Schedule workspace.

  6. To monitor the event's status, click Monitor in the left navigation.