View the Last Schedule Run

To view the schedule's last run:

  1. In Automation Desk, click Schedule in the left navigation.

  2. Click the Find button to find specific schedules in the workspace or search for schedules based on the Event Type, Event Name, Schedule Name, Recurrence Pattern, Update Source, Enable Flag, or Schedule Group. You can use the wildcard "*" when searching based on the Event Name and Schedule Name.

    View the Last Schedule Run
  3. Click the schedule whose last run you wish to view and click Last Run.

    View the Last Schedule Run
  4. Click the schedule name to review the summary and details of the last run. Note that you are now in the Jobs/Events tab of the Monitor workspace.

  5. Click the Dependencies and SLA tabs in the bottom pane to view the dependencies and Service Level Agreement (SLA) status for the processed event.

  6. To display the event's execution details in a full pane mode, click the upward arrow in the right bottom pane.

  7. To close the full mode pane, click the X in the Execution Details bottom tab.

  8. To close the Last Run details and return to the Schedule workspace, click the X in the Last Run bottom tab.