Edit a Schedule

Edit a Schedule

To edit a schedule:

  1. In Automation Desk, click Schedule in the left navigation.

  2. Click the Find button to find specific schedules in the workspace or search for schedules based on the Event Type, Event Name, Schedule Name, Recurrence Pattern, Update Source, Enable Flag, or Schedule Group. You can use the wildcard "*" when searching based on the Event Name and Schedule Name.

    Edit a Schedule Event
  3. Click to select the schedule you wish to edit and click Edit.

  4. Review the information in the Define, Time, Dependency, and Notifications dialog boxes and make any appropriate changes to the schedule options.

    Schedule Wizard- Define Tab
  5. Click Save & Finish to save your changes.
    You see a message that the schedule has been edited and saved.

  6. Click OK to return to the Schedule workspace.

  7. If needed, refresh or export the information displayed in the workspace.