Submit One-time Events with the Ad Hoc Option

Submit One-time Events with the Ad Hoc Option

Several event types, including Data Export, Data Upload, Issuer Relationship Builder, and Data Archive can be submitted with the special Ad Hoc option that allows one-time activation of these events with dependencies, time limits, and notifications ignored. These events may be submitted from the EventsJobsSchedule, or Monitor workspaces. The primary purpose of the Ad Hoc option is to test newly designed Uploaders and Exporters to ensure they are working correctly.

Data Upload event types require overrides to be submitted for processing

For the Ad Hoc option, dependencies, time limits, and notifications will not be taken into account. This is simply a one-time submission of the event. 

To submit Data Archive, Data Export, Data Upload, or Issuer Relationship Builder events ad hoc:

  1. In Automation Desk, click Events, Jobs, Schedule, or Monitor in the left navigation.

  2. Click the Submit button and select Ad Hoc.

    Submit Adhoc Dropdown
  3. In the Ad Hoc dialog box, complete all the required event options based on the event type you selected:

    • Data Archive event options

    • Data Export event options

    • Data Upload event options

    • Issuer Relationship Builder event options

    Adhoc Dialog Box
  4. Click Submit.

  5. Click OK in the submit confirmation dialog box.

    Submit Confirmation Dialog Box
  6. To monitor the event's status, click Monitor in the left navigation.