Select Event Options
In Automation Desk, when you create or edit events, you can select event options based on the event type.
For several event types, including Data Export, Data Upload, Issuer Relationship Builder, and Data Archive events, options can also be set when these events are submitted with the Ad Hoc option that allows one-time event activation.
For other event types, that are not included in this section, they can still be viewed, scheduled, and monitored. However, the option to create or edit will continue to be made available as part of these events' respective centers.
The following options are available.
Accounting Event Manager Options
The following are the options for Accounting Event Manager events:
Profile Group. Allows you to define an entry and result profile. The Profile Group is the default.
Data Transfer. Allows you to set data transfer parameters.
Purge/Archive. Allows you to create one or more purge and archive rules.
Entity List. Allows you to select an entity list with set list of entities and accounts which will be used by the Entry Panel Profile.
Disposition and Distribution. Allows you to specify optional report disposition and distribution.
Expiration. Allows you to specify report expiration period.
Best Data Event Options
The following are the options for Best Data events:
Type. Allows you to specify the Best Data event type. The default is Best Prices.
Best Data Rules. Allows you to specify the data rule for the event.
Date Rule. Allows you to specify the date rule for the event.
Write Audit Data. Allows you to write audit data. The default is not to Write Audit Data (unchecked). This option allows you to track which vendor source and date were used to create the gold copy (best of breed) composite securities.
Best FX Rates Event Options
The following are the options for Best FX Rate events:
Type. Allows you to specify the Best FX Rate event type. The default is FX Rule Process.
Best FX Rates Rules. Allows you to specify the rates rules for the event.
Date Rule. Allows you to specify the date rule for the event.
Phase. Allows you to specify the phase of the event. The default is Create FX Target Demand.
Composite Security Event Options
The following are the options for Composite Security events:
Type. Allows you to specify the Composite Security event type. The default is PACE Composite Security (Post Process).
Composite Security Rules. Allows you to specify the data rules for the event.
Process Options. Allows you to specify how to process composite tables. The default is Process Composite Tables Based on System Date.
Phase. Allows you to specify the phase of the event. The default is Both Create and Build.
Effective Date. Allows you to specify the effective date for the event. The default is Use Server Date.
Options (General). Allows you to specify how to run the composite security event. The default is Run for Securities Changed since the Last Run.
Write Audit Data. Allows you to write audit data. The default is not to Write Audit Data (unchecked). This option allows you to track which vendor source and date were used to create the gold copy (best of breed) composite securities.
Configuration Profile Event Options
The following are the options for Configuration Profile events:
Type. Allows you to specify the configuration profile type. The default is Server Profile.
PACE Servers. Allows you to specify the PACE Server name.
Profile. Allows you to specify the profile name that can be used to dynamically change server configuration or monitor open files.
Data Export Event Options
For the Data Export events, options can also be set when these events are submitted with the Ad Hoc option that allows one-time event activation.
The following are the options for Data Export events:
Exporter Type. Allows you to specify the exporter type. The default is NONE.
Source. Allows you to specify the data source for the event.
Export/Hub Type. Allows you to specify the export type. The default is Regular.
Feeds. Allows you to specify the data feeds for the event.
Export Parameters. Allows you to eliminate redundant procedures and schemas for retrieving similar data that is based on different criteria needs.
Data Quality Monitor Engine Event Options
The following are the options for Data Quality Monitor Engine events:
Dates. Allows you to specify the type of date and allows you to select a date. The default is As of.
Entities. Allows you to specify a default, single, or multiple entities. The default is Default Entities.
Data Quality Rules. Allows you to select one or more data quality rules.
Data Upload Event Options
For the Data Upload events, options can also be set when these events are submitted with the Ad Hoc option that allows one-time event activation.
The following are the options for Data Upload events:
Uploader Type. Allows you to specify the uploader type. The default is NONE.
Upload Method. Allows you to specify the upload method for the event. The default is Process all files. This option is not available when submitting this event ad hoc.
Source. Allows you to specify the data source for the event.
Feeds. Allows you to specify the data feeds for the event.
Dictionary Build Event Options
The following are the options for Data Upload events.
Date Rule. Allows you to specify the date rule for the event.
Dictionaries. Allows you to select the dictionary for the build event.
Option. Allows you to specify how to run the dictionary build. The default is Run for securities that changed since the last run (checked).
Eagle Analytics Event Options
The following are the options for Eagle Analytics events:
Run Rules. Allows you to select the Eagle Analytics event type. The default is Run Rules.
Eagle Analytics Rules. Allows you to select the data rules for the event.
Date Rule. Allows you to specify the date rule for the event.
Write Audit Data. Allows you to write audit data. The default is not to Write Audit Data (unchecked). This option allows you to track which vendor source and date were used to create the gold copy (best of breed) composite securities.
Eagle Enrichment Event Options
The following are the options for Eagle Enrichment events:
Date Rule. Allows you to specify the date rule for the event.
Override the source rule. Allows you to override the default source rule by checking the box and selecting a source rule.
Override the commit source. Allows you to override the commit source by checking the box and select a source. The default is Eagle Enrichment.
Enrichment Mode. Allows you to select Cash, Holding, Standard Rules, or Roll Forward, or all of these options together. The default is all options checked and Run for all enabled funds. If you select the Run for specific funds option, you can browse for the entities and select the Enumerate Composite option if needed.
Entity Build Event Options
The following are the options for Entity Build events:
Regular Build. Allows you to specify the entity build type. The default is Regular Build.
Date Rule. Allows you to select the date rule for the event. The default settings for the date rule are Run for Single Date as Configured and Generate Custom Index Results File (viewable from Commit Journal).
Source. Allows you to select the data source for the event. The default is Eagle PACE.
All Entities. Allows you to select all entities or specific entities. The default is All Entities.
Issuer Relationship Builder Event Options
For the Issuer Relationship Builder events, options can also be set when these events are submitted with the Ad Hoc option that allows one-time event activation.
The following are the options for Issuer Relationship Builder events:
Effective Date. Allows you to specify the type of effective date for the event. The default is Use Effective Date.
Source. Allows you to select the data source for the event.
Message Stream Process Event Options
The following are the options for Message Stream events:
Instance. Allows you to select an internal processor where the message stream resides and is processed.
Priority. Allows you to change the priority for the event. The default is Normal.
Delivery Method. Allows you to select the mechanism used for data delivery in or out of Eagle databases. Default is FILE.
Stream Direction. Allows you to specify if data is being loaded into Eagle from external sources (inbound) or extracted and distributed out of Eagle (outbound). Default is Inbound.
Delivery Format. Allows you to select the format of the data. Default is CSV.
Ruleset Type. Allows you to select the type of processing file. Default is Ruleset File. Note: You can only specify one file type for each stream:
Ruleset File. Directs data in the message stream to the appropriate Rule Files based on the message type.
Matching Rule File. Inbound message streams only. Specifies how to compare two sets of data.
Preprocessing Rule File. Specifies actionsprior to the actual processing of data, such as unzipping incoming data files and ensuring proper processing sequence for extracted files.
Ruleset File Name. Allows you to select the files based on the Ruleset Type you selected.
Split Type. Allows you to specify how records in large data file are processed, concurrently, sequentially, or based on rules that allow record grouping and parallel processing. Default is Simple which allows records to be processed concurrently. For Rule Based processing, you will need to specify the name of the Split Rule File.
Query Event Rule File. Allows you to specify how data is retrieved from Eagle databases for use as input to the message stream. This option allows you to run message streams without data files.
Validation Rule File. Validated the incoming data file prior to processing. If the file does not pass validation rules, an exception is generated and further processing may be stopped. Validation rules are also used to extract file level information, such as the Effective Date from the file header, to be used during processing.
Delivery Folder. Allows you to specify the folder form where the message stream retrieves messages.
Write the Results to File. Inbound message streams only. Allows you to specify if the message stream information is to be written to a separate file, instead of the Eagle database. This option is used to help with troubleshooting.
Maximum Number of Concurrently Processing Files. Allows you to set how many files are processed at the same time.
MC Events Log. Allows you to determine if all the information is written to the log or only the error and status information.
Failure Tolerance (%). Allows you to select the percentage of failed records that a file may have without being flagged as Failed. If this percentage is exceeded, the file will be market with a Failed status.
Polling Interval. Allows you to select the polling interval in seconds.
Lock Interval. Allows you to set the polling interval in seconds.
File Upload Preview.
Stream Category. Allows to select the logical group to which the message stream belongs.
Feed Type. Allow you to select the feed category of data, for example, trade, cash, etc.
Data Source. Allows you to select the data source for the message stream.
MPC Preprocessor Event Options
The MPC Preprocessor Rules option is the only option for Multiple Performance Calculation (MPC) events.
Performance Composite Builder Event Options
The following are the options for Performance Composite Builder events:
Effective Date. Allows you to select a date or a date rule for the composite build process. The default is Use Effective Date.
Auto Update Database. Allows you to specify how changes are handled by the composite build process. The default is unchecked. If this option is unchecked, pending records are created. These records can be reviewed in the composite approval process and either approved and committed or rejected.
Entities. Allows you to select a list of composites or individual composites for the composite build process. The default is LIST.
Portfolio Data Center Event Options
The User Data String option is the only option for Portfolio Data Center events. This option specifies a tag-based string that is passed to the engine for parsing and interpretation as an input parameter.
Pricing Center Event Options
The following are the options for Pricing Center events:
Pricing Rule Process. Allows you to select the Pricing Center event type. The default is Pricing Rule Process.
Pricing Center Rules. Allows you to select data rules for the event.
Date Rule. Allows you to select the date rule for the event.
Phase. Allows you to select the phase of the event. Create Price Securities.
Process Initiator Event Options
The following are the options for Process Initiator events:
Change the Last Run Date. Allows you to change the last run date for the event. The default is unchecked which means no changes to the last run date will be made. If checked, you can select records with a last run date that is later than the specified date.
Initiator Type. Allows you to select Entity or Security. The default is Entity.
Select Table. Allows you to specify the table for the event.
Columns. Allows you to populate the following table columns from the table you selected:
Entity ID. Entity ID for the event. The default is ENTITY_ID (String).
Effective Date. Effective date for the event. The default is EFFECTIVE_DATE (DateTime).
Source. Data source for the event. The default is SRC_INTFC_INST (Integer).
Update Date. Update date for the event. The default is UPDATE_DATE (DateTime).
Reference Data Center Event Options
The following are the options for Reference Data Center events:
Type. Allows you to select the type of event. The default is Data Strategy Event.
Data Type. Allows you to select the types of composited data. The default is All.
Reference Data Center Main Rules. Allows you to select the main data rules for the event. To use this option, you must select the Data Strategy Event.
Gold Copies. Allows you to select the gold copy of data for the event. To use this option, you must select the Data Strategy Event.
Option. Specifies which securities to run. For the Data Strategy Event, the only process securities that changed since last run option is unchecked (default). For the Data Type Event, this option is checked.
Date Rule. Specifies the date rule for the event. To use this option, you must select the Data Strategy Event.
Days to Look Back. Specifies the number of days to look back for the event. The default is 7 days. To use this option, you must select the Data Type Event.
Show/No Show Manager Engine Event Options
No options are required for this event type.
Vendor Compare Rules Event Options
The following are the options for Vendor Compare Rules events:
Vendor Compare Rules. Allows you to specify the rules for the event.
Date Rule. Allows you to select the date rule for the event.
Option. Specifies which securities to run. The default is Run for securities that changed since last run (checked).
Data Archive events can only be scheduled or monitored. However, when these events are submitted with the special Ad Hoc option that allows one time event activation, you can define several event options.
Data Archive Event Options (Schedule or Monitor Only)
The following are the options for running Data Archive events ad hoc:
Event Name. Allows you to specify the event name.
Event Type. Allows you to select the Data Archive event type.
Log Level. Allows you to select the log level for the event.
Priority. Allows you to change the priority for the event. The default is Normal.
Generate Preview. Allows you to test the data archive by only logging, not actually deleting, the data marked for deletion. The default is not to Generate Preview (unchecked).
On this page
- 1 Accounting Event Manager Options
- 2 Best Data Event Options
- 3 Best FX Rates Event Options
- 4 Composite Security Event Options
- 5 Configuration Profile Event Options
- 6 Data Export Event Options
- 7 Data Quality Monitor Engine Event Options
- 8 Data Upload Event Options
- 9 Dictionary Build Event Options
- 10 Eagle Analytics Event Options
- 11 Eagle Enrichment Event Options
- 12 Entity Build Event Options
- 13 Issuer Relationship Builder Event Options
- 14 Message Stream Process Event Options
- 15 MPC Preprocessor Event Options
- 16 Performance Composite Builder Event Options
- 17 Portfolio Data Center Event Options
- 18 Pricing Center Event Options
- 19 Process Initiator Event Options
- 20 Reference Data Center Event Options
- 21 Show/No Show Manager Engine Event Options
- 22 Vendor Compare Rules Event Options
- 23 Data Archive Event Options (Schedule or Monitor Only)