Message Center Detected Stuck Files Pattern


This pattern is currently supported for UNIX environments only

The Message Center Detected Stuck Files alert pattern is identified by the phrase “Message Center detected stuck files” in the subject line right after the environment name.

This alert indicates that particular files are being processed for more than two hours. A stuck file may result in blocking all other files incoming to the stream.

Configuration Details

The streams to be monitored are set in :


Example Email with the Message Center Detected Stuck Files Alert

Please fix the "Please, review processing files folder and investigate the reason" sentence to say "Please review the processing files folder." 
Subject: ENVxxx: New=Y: Message Center detected stuck files: There are stuck files found in Message Center for more than 2 hours


Impact: 2
Urgency: 2
Category: Technology Support
Sub-Category:  Technology Support others
CI:  ENVxxx
Error description: There are stuck files found in Message Center for more than 2 hours. Please, review processing files folder and investigate the reason.
 Please, investigate the reason why the following files were stuck: 
StreamName = 'my_test_stream' has maxConcurrentlyProcessingFiles set to Unlimited;