DRAFT - PACE Job Error
DRAFT - PACE Job Error
The PACE Job Error alert pattern is identified by the phrase “PACE Job Error” in the subject line right after the environment name.
In this example, the alert indicates that EJM is having issues executing a PACE job.
The PACE Job Error pattern alerts and action steps are similar to the alerts and actions steps for the STAR Job Error pattern.
Example Email with the PACE Job Error Alert - PACE Event Name Not Found
Subject: ENVxxx: New=Y: PACE Job Error: PACE Event Name Not Found
Impact: 2
Urgency: 2
Category: Technology Support
Sub-Category: Others
correlationId: ADX_A_20130109000009
businessTaskId: ACQUIRE_ALADDIN_20120913ADX_A_20130109000009_LOAD
Event details: AssetDerivation
Eagle Instance ID: 10361839
1. Error description: PACE Event Name Not Found
2. Error description: The request was not processed. EDITCHECK validation failed.
3. Error description: An empty message was generated as a result of translation.
Example Email with the PACE Job Error - Timeout Error - the email text is a dupe of the Job Execution Warning alert??
Subject: ENVxxx: New=Y: PACE Job Error: The execution of PACE event Rimes Positions/UPLOADER timed out after 1801 seconds.
Impact: 2
Urgency: 2
Category: Technology Support
Sub-Category: Others
correlationId: ADX_A_20130109000009
businessTaskId: ACQUIRE_ALADDIN_20120913ADX_A_20130109000009_LOAD
Event details: PACE Event
Eagle Instance ID: 10361839
1. Error description: The processing of Perf Calc is taking longer than 60 minutes.