About EJM Alerts

About EJM Alerts

Eagle is currently inviting Eagle ACCESS clients to participate in testing EJM alerts with Eagle's ServiceNow.  If you are interested, please contact your Eagle representative.  Please note, you must have EagleML May 2015 release or higher.

Eagle Job Management (EJM) allows Eagle ACCESS clients to send specifically defined EJM alerts directly to Eagle's ServiceNow ticketing system. EJM leverages the existing EJM email functionality by sending emails with specially formatted data to ServiceNow where the actual ServiceNow tickets are auto-generated from these emails. After EJM alerts are received by Eagle's ServiceNow, the tickets are auto-generated and routed by Eagle ACCESS to a predefined Eagle Support group based on the EJM alert pattern.

There are two levels of using alerts:

Regardless of the level of alerts you want to use, certain environment configuration changes will need to be applied.

EJM Level 

EJM level alerts influence all EJM processes, all EJM tasks such as extracts, PACE jobs etc. EJM level uses the entire functional of the CM-TSR system, so all alert patterns are available.

EJM alerts are created by the eagle_ml-2-0_default_eas_distribution message stream that transforms incoming TaskStatusResponses (TSRs) into the required ServiceNow data format and sends the alerts as emails. Several different categories (EJM alert patterns) have been defined and all alerts must match one of these patterns, including the catch-all pattern called Other which collects all EJM alerts that do not fit any existing pattern. All EJM alerts have the same basic structure based on the EJM alert template.

Workflow Level 

Workflow level alerts are related to the workflow life cycle. They are applied to a specific workflow. Only Missing File Errors/Warnings are available this way.

To see how you can configure the workflow level with EJM Monitoring Tool, visit the EJM Monitoring Tool wiki.