Configure EJM Alerts

To configure EJM alerts, you need to define the environment settings and configure the monitoring message stream.

Configure Environment Settings

To define environment settings for EJM alerts:

  1. Edit configuration files in the ../estar/tpe/dynamic/msgcenter/eagle_ml-2-0_custom_cm folder, as follows:
  • In the include file, verify that the following variables are present, do not edit this file:
<!-- ServiceNow Alert→
  :w_eas_stream: :='eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_eas_distribution';
  :w_eas_folder: := :w_mcdata_dir: + 'out/CSV/'+:w_eas_stream:+'/incoming/';
  • In the include file, edit/add the new w_profile_dir variable to change the folder where the workflow profiles will be stored (default value is ../estar/tpe/dynamic/msgcenter/eagle_ml-2-0_cm_profiles).

    <!-- ServiceNow Alert Settings-->
    <COL TAG="w_profile_dir" EXPRESSION="GetDirRoot() +'dynamic/msgcenter/eagle_ml-2-0_cm_profiles/'” />
  • If you want to customize the list of patterns you want to receive, the W_EAS_PATERNS variable:

    <COL TAG="W_EAS_PATERNS" EXPRESSION="'Job Execution Warning!Missing Files Error!RTR-TSR Matching Error!FTP CM not read!'"/>

    Alerts matching a pattern from the list will be delivered, others will be ignored.

  • The easiest way to enable/disable alert sending functionality without editing a lot of parameters is switching Y/N for:

       :W_MONITOR_ENABLED: :='Y';

    2. To send ServiceNow alerts to specific email addresses, add the following string:

  • where is your specific email. You can set several emails, separated by commas:


Configure the Monitoring Message Stream

The monitoring message stream is eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_monitoring.

There are two ways to configure this message stream:

  • Four (4) processor configuration
  • Six (6) processor configuration

Four Processor Configuration

The four processor configuration is the least complicated because the monitoring stream is not dedicated to a specific processor.

To configure the monitoring stream with four (4) processors:

  1. Set the W_MONITOR_ENABLED parameter to Y in the file.
  2. Review the example code for the file:


    The following diagram shows the four (4) processor configuration of the eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_monitoring message stream.

Six Processor Configuration 

The six processor configuration allows you to use a dedicated processor for monitoring tasks. Monitoring tasks use only dedicated processors. Others tasks cannot use these processors.

To configure the monitoring stream with six (6) processors:

  1. Set the following parameters:
  • W_MONITOR_SCH_ENABLED to Y – enable/disable monitoring stream.
  • w_monitoring_stream to eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_monitoring – name of the monitoring stream.
  • W_MONITOR_APP_ID – new application id for your monitoring stream.
  • W_MONITOR_CUR_APP_ID - old application id for your monitoring stream. W_MONITOR_CUR_APP_ID will be replaced with W_MONITOR_APP_ID in the system.
  • W_MONITOR_PROCESS_ID  – process id for your monitoring stream.

2. MC reader will use the process (W_MONITOR_PROCESS_ID) only for your monitoring stream. The eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_monitoring_sch stream is used to launch the monitoring stream eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_monitoring. To enable the eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_monitoring_sch stream, set the following:

  • :w_monitoring_stream: := eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_monitoring 

If you do not specify the above, the following parameters will be used by any active processor: 


3. Review the example code for the file:

    :w_monitoring_stream: := 'eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_monitoring';

The following diagram shows the six (6) processor configuration of the eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_monitoring message stream.