Configure EJM Alerts

Configure EJM Alerts

To configure EJM alerts, you need to define the environment settings and configure the monitoring message stream.

Configure Environment Settings

To define environment settings for EJM alerts:

  1. Edit configuration files in the ../estar/tpe/dynamic/msgcenter/eagle_ml-2-0_custom_cm folder, as follows:

  • In the w_config.inc include file, verify that the following variables are present, do not edit this file:

<!-- ServiceNow Alert→ <COL TAG="W_EAS_SENDMAILFROM" EXPRESSION="'EJM_Stream@eagleaccess.com'"/> <COL TAG="W_EAS_MAIL_LIST" EXPRESSION="'eaglecsi@eagleinvsys.com'"/> <CODE>   :w_eas_stream: :='eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_eas_distribution';   :w_eas_folder: := :w_mcdata_dir: + 'out/CSV/'+:w_eas_stream:+'/incoming/'; </CODE>
  • In the w_config_custom.inc include file, edit/add the new w_profile_dir variable to change the folder where the workflow profiles will be stored (default value is ../estar/tpe/dynamic/msgcenter/eagle_ml-2-0_cm_profiles).

    <!-- ServiceNow Alert Settings--> <COL TAG="w_profile_dir" EXPRESSION="GetDirRoot() +'dynamic/msgcenter/eagle_ml-2-0_cm_profiles/'” />
  • If you want to customize the list of patterns you want to receive, the W_EAS_PATERNS variable:

    <COL TAG="W_EAS_PATERNS" EXPRESSION="'Job Execution Warning!Missing Files Error!RTR-TSR Matching Error!FTP CM not read!'"/>

    Alerts matching a pattern from the list will be delivered, others will be ignored.

  • The easiest way to enable/disable alert sending functionality without editing a lot of parameters is switching Y/N for:

    2. To send ServiceNow alerts to specific email addresses, add the following string:

  • where user@example.com is your specific email. You can set several emails, separated by commas:

Configure the Monitoring Message Stream

The monitoring message stream is eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_monitoring.

There are two ways to configure this message stream:

  • Four (4) processor configuration

  • Six (6) processor configuration

Four Processor Configuration

The four processor configuration is the least complicated because the monitoring stream is not dedicated to a specific processor.

To configure the monitoring stream with four (4) processors:

  1. Set the W_MONITOR_ENABLED parameter to in the w_config_custom.inc file.

  2. Review the example code for the w_config_custom.inc file:

    The following diagram shows the four (4) processor configuration of the eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_monitoring message stream.

Six Processor Configuration 

The six processor configuration allows you to use a dedicated processor for monitoring tasks. Monitoring tasks use only dedicated processors. Others tasks cannot use these processors.

To configure the monitoring stream with six (6) processors:

  1. Set the following parameters:

    • W_MONITOR_SCH_ENABLED to Y – enable/disable monitoring stream.

    • w_monitoring_stream to eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_monitoring – name of the monitoring stream.

    • W_MONITOR_APP_ID – new application id for your monitoring stream.

    • W_MONITOR_CUR_APP_ID - old application id for your monitoring stream. W_MONITOR_CUR_APP_ID will be replaced with W_MONITOR_APP_ID in the system.

    • W_MONITOR_PROCESS_ID  – process id for your monitoring stream.

  2. MC reader will use the process (W_MONITOR_PROCESS_ID) only for your monitoring stream. The eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_monitoring_sch stream is used to launch the monitoring stream eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_monitoring. To enable the eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_monitoring_sch stream, set the following:

      If you do not specify the above, the following parameters will be used by any active processor: 

    • :w_monitoring_stream: := eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_monitoring




  3. Review the example code for the w_config_custom.inc file:

The following diagram shows the six (6) processor configuration of the eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_monitoring message stream.