Loading Error Pattern

Loading Error Pattern

The Load Error alert pattern is identified by the phrase "Loading Error" in the subject line right after the environment name.

In this example, the alert indicates that there was a translation issue. From the additional information in the email, you can see that 1 of 10 records failed. This is a data error.

This alert usually indicates that there is a business logic error, not a technical issue. Depending on the specific client and Eagle ACCESS arrangement, no action is required from Eagle ACCESS until, or unless, the client escalates to Eagle.

Example Email with the Loading Error Alert

As a general comment, the status of Success with Errors is highly confusing. It's either Success or Errors. If it's not an error that will halt processing, perhaps it should be classified as a Warning, not an error. ??

Subject:  ENVxxx: New=Y: Loading Error: An empty STAR message was generated as a result of translation.

Impact: 2 Urgency: 2 Category: Technology Support Sub-Category: Others CI: ================================== correlationId: TEST_ABCCLIENT_003 businessTaskId: TEST_ ABCCLIENT ============== Step 15 ============== STATUS = Success with Errors Message Stat Id = 6140786 File Name = Total Number of Records = 10 Number of Records Passed = 9 Number of Records Failed = 1 List of Error(s): -- Message Detail Id = 62881385 Error # 1 Reason Code = -11 Description = An empty STAR message was generated as a result of translation. Error # 2 Reason Code = -10 Description = The request was not processed ============== Step 14 ============== STATUS = Success Message Stat Id = 6140782 File Name = Total Number of Records = 1 Number of Records Passed = 1 Number of Records Failed = 0 ============== Step 13 ============== STATUS = Success Message Stat Id = 6140781 File Name = Total Number of Records = 1 Number of Records Passed = 1 Number of Records Failed = 0 ============== Step 12 ============== STATUS = Success Message Stat Id = 6140780 File Name = Total Number of Records = 1 Number of Records Passed = 1 Number of Records Failed = 0 ============== Step 11 ============== STATUS = Success Message Stat Id = 6140779 File Name = Total Number of Records = 1 Number of Records Passed = 1 Number of Records Failed = 0 ============== Step 10 ============== STATUS = Success Message Stat Id = 6140775 File Name = Total Number of Records = 1 Number of Records Passed = 1 Number of Records Failed = 0 ============== Step 9 ============== STATUS = Success Message Stat Id = 6140774 File Name = Total Number of Records = 1 Number of Records Passed = 1 Number of Records Failed = 0 ============== Step 8 ============== STATUS = Success Message Stat Id = 6140773 File Name = Total Number of Records = 1 Number of Records Passed = 1 Number of Records Failed = 0 ============== Step 7 ============== STATUS = Success Message Stat Id = 6140772 File Name = Total Number of Records = 1 Number of Records Passed = 1 Number of Records Failed = 0 ============== Step 6 ============== STATUS = Success Message Stat Id = 6140766 File Name = Total Number of Records = 1 Number of Records Passed = 1 Number of Records Failed = 0 ============== Step 5 ============== STATUS = Success Message Stat Id = 6140765 File Name = Total Number of Records = 1 Number of Records Passed = 1 Number of Records Failed = 0 ============== Step 4 ============== STATUS = Success Message Stat Id = 6140764 File Name = Total Number of Records = 1 Number of Records Passed = 1 Number of Records Failed = 0 ============== Step 3 ============== STATUS = Success Message Stat Id = 6140763 File Name = Total Number of Records = 1 Number of Records Passed = 1 Number of Records Failed = 0 ============== Step 2 ============== STATUS = Success Message Stat Id = 6140762 File Name = Total Number of Records = 1 Number of Records Passed = 1 Number of Records Failed = 0 ============== Step 1 ============== STATUS = Success Message Stat Id = 6140761 File Name = Total Number of Records = 1 Number of Records Passed = 1 Number of Records Failed = 0