Manage Merged Events

Manage Merged Events

The Merged Events option allows you to search across all engines and display all transactions in an environment for a specific date/time interval. You can select a specific tag, for example, and view how many messages were processed for that tag. You can also export all messages from a specific date/time interval from a Production environment and load them to the Test environment for triage and troubleshooting.

To manage merged events:

  1. In System Management Center, click Diagnostics in the left navigation and click Merged Events.
    You see the Merged Events workspace.

    Merged Events workspace
  2. Click the green Search button to view all merged events for the default date/time interval.
    You can change the search criteria as needed. You see the search results based on the criteria you selected.

    Merged Events results
  3. Click a row in the Merged Events pane to see a preview of the messages in the Event History and Processed Event bottom panes.

  4. To view the actual messages, click the Event History Message tab or the Processed Event Message tab.

    Merged Events - Event History Message


    Merged Events - Processed Events Message
  5. To add a tag to be displayed in the Merged Events pane, click the Add Tag Column drop down and select Events History or Processed Events.
    You see the Select a Tag from The Dictionary dialog box.

    Select a tag from the Dictionary dialog box
  6. Select a tag, tag 5 for example, and click OK.
    A column for tag 5 is added in the Merged Events pane.

    Merged Event pane
  7. To export messages to a file, click the Export drop down and select Events History or Processed Events, enter the file name and click Save.

  8. To load a file with messages from one environment to another environment, click Load from Files.
    You see the Load From Files dialog box.

    Load From Files dialog box
  9. Complete the dialog box and click OK.