Install Eagle Portal

Install Eagle Portal

System Requirements

Eagle Portal is a standalone install and can be installed independently from other Eagle components. Eagle Portal requires a Windows Server 2008 or later with Microsoft .Net 4.5 installed.

The following browsers are compatible with the Eagle Portal:

  • Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher on the Web server.

  • Mozilla Firefox 3.5.1 or higher.

To install the Eagle Portal:

  1. Locate Portal (.NET) in the Modules folder.

  2. Run the setup.exe application on the server where you want to install the Eagle Portal.
    You see the Eagle Portal InstallShield wizard.

  3. Click Next.
    You see the second InstallShield dialog box.

  4. Click Next.
    You see the Eagle Portal Website Configuration dialog box.

  5. Click Communication to set the Application Server and file transfer options.
    SOAP is the recommended protocol. Make sure you type the correct value for the SOAP port. The SOAP port was renamed in the Engine Manager to NxG Web Service Port. Make sure to use this port when configuring the Eagle Portal.

  6. Click Troubleshooting to set options including whether to use debug logging, debug XM, user error messages, and version information.

  7. Click General to set options for the Eagle Portal session timeout due to inactivity, or Web site ID if using multiple Eagle Portals instead of a default website.
    In Viewer URL, use a partial URL or absolute URL to specify the path of the ERX installation file. This is needed if your users do not already have ERX Viewer installed and they need to view ERX format reports in their Reports window. The path can be defined as http://website/location/erxviewersetup.exe.

  8. Click Login to set options for security or RSS feeds that are displayed in the Eagle Portal Login window.
    If you configure the Eagle Portal website to use integrated security, only the Header Type is supported. Set Delimiter to \, Enabled to True, and enter AUTH_USER for Header. See the Customize the RSS Feed section for details.

  9. Click File and select Save & Validate.

  10. Click Finish.
    You see the final InstallShield Wizard dialog box.

  11. Click Finish.
    The Eagle Portal is installed.

Configure Eagle Portal Website for Integrated Security

If you are using integrated security, you need to complete additional steps.

You can configure the Eagle Portal website by using PortalCofiguration.exe and setting the following options:

  • Communication. Set Application Server and file transfer options.

  • Troubleshooting. Set options such as whether to use debug logging,

  • General. Set options for the Eagle Portal session timeout due to inactivity or Web Site ID if not using the default web site.

  • Login. Set options for Integrated Security or RSS feeds that display in the Eagle Portal login window.

If you are configuring the Eagle Portal website to use integrated security, only Header type is now supported. You need to set Delimiter to \, Enabled to True, and type in AUTH_USER for Header.

To configure for integrated security:

  1. Locate the web.config file in the Web folder and open it using Notepad.

  2. Make a copy of the original web.config file before making any changes.

  3. In web.config, find <authentication mode="Forms"> and replace Forms with Windows if using Windows authentication. If using a third party authentication tool, replace Forms with None.

  4. Save and close the web.config file.

  5. Open IIS Manager.

  6. Open the Properties section of the Eagle Portal website.

  7. Select Directory Security.

  8. Select Edit in the Authentication & Access Control section.

  9. Disable Anonymous Access.

  10. Select Integrated Windows Authentication.

  11. Click OK to close the Properties dialog boxes.

  12. Restart IIS.
    Your Eagle Portal website is now configured to use integrated security.

Customize the RSS Feed

You can customize what your users see on the Eagle Portal Login window. The feed displayed on the Eagle Portal Login window is controlled by an XML file you can edit. RSS feeds require internet access to work correctly.

To customize the RSS feed:

  1. Locate the file common/rss/eagle.xml in the Portal installation directory.

  2. Open the file and enter the location of the RSS feed you want to display in the Eagle Portal Login window.

  3. Save your changes and close the eagle.xml file.

Remove the RSS Feed

You can choose to display a blank Eagle Portal Login window to your users.

To remove the RSS feed:

  1. Locate the directory where the Eagle Portal is installed.

  2. Locate and run the file portalconfig.exe located in the Bin folder.

  3. Select Login.
    You see the Eagle Portal Configuration dialog box.

    Portal Configuration Dialog Box
  4. In the RSS Feeds section, remove the common/rss/eagle.xml file from the Top RSS feed URL section.
    Once you remove this section, your users see a blank Eagle Portal Login window when they log in.

Customize the Look and Feel

You can customize the Eagle Portal look and feel by creating your own theme in the folder:
<Portal install directory>/Web/App_themes/. You can also customize the color palette that is used for charts throughout the Eagle Portal.

To customize the Eagle Portal theme:

  1. Copy the existing Defaut folder from <Portal install directory>/Web/App_themes/.

  2. Rename the folder to reflect the name of the theme. You will use the name of this folder in Step 5 of this procedure. This folder contains the following types of files:
    Images in the Images subfolder
    ASP.NET skin files
    CSS files
    The main CSS for Eagle Portal is site.css, which contains the default settings for fonts, colors and logos in Eagle Portal.

    Customize the look and feel
  3. To determine which CSS attribute applies to which element in the Eagle Portal, use Microsoft Internet Explorer F12 developer tools or the Firefox developer tools. These tools identify the CSS elements that control the look and feel of each Eagle Portal element.

    Viewing CSS Elements via the Developer Tool
  4. To change the logo at the top of Eagle Portal pages, access the site.css file and locate the CSS setting for the header. It is the image class that also applies to the div with the class SiteHeader that contains a class called Image:
    #header .Image,div.SiteHeader .Image
    background: url(images/company_logo.png) no-repeat center;
    width: 173px;
    By default, this refers to an image in the Images folder of the theme called company_logo.png. You can either change the company_logo.png image or change the CSS to refer to a different image.

  5. Open the web.config file and change the theme="default" to theme="mythemename", as shown in the following figure. This is the folder you completed in step 2 of this procedure.
    Changing this setting allows the Eagle Portal to use your new theme, instead of the default theme. You can refer back to the default theme to compare the original state to the customized version. You can also copy your custom theme from a Test environment to QA and to Production, and then update the web.config file to refer to the new theme.

To customize the color palette for charts:

  1. Access the directory when the chart palette is located: <Portal install directory>/Web/Config.

  2. Access the ChartPalette.config file.

    Chart Palette Configuration File
  3. Make the appropriate changes and save this file.

Configure Multiple Portals

If you are using multiple Eagle Portal websites, you can configure each website with a unique group of settings. These settings are applied to all users of each Eagle Portal website.

To configure multiple portals:

  1. Create a code value for each Eagle Portal by using the IPORTALWEBSITE code.

  2. Identify the Eagle Portal website IDs in the Global Settings Explorer.

  3. On each Eagle Portal Web server, use the Eagle Portal Website Configuration to assign the appropriate website ID to each Eagle Portal.
    You can identify each Eagle Portal and its related configuration settings by using Eagle Portal website IDs and associated code values.

Create Code Values for Website ID

You can create an associated code value for each Eagle Portal website ID.

To create code values:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

  2. Enter Codes in the Start Search text box.

  3. Click the Codes (System Management Center) link.
    You see the Codes window.

  4. Select the code IPORTALWEBSITE, which has a long description of PORTAL WEB SITE ID and an ID value of 10318.
    You see the Code Values window.

  5. Click Add.

  6. Enter a short name and long name for the code value associated with each Eagle Portal website ID.

  7. Click Add and Save All.
    You see the Code Values window with the entries you created.

Create Eagle Portal Website IDs

If you maintain multiple Eagle Portals that use separate Manage System Configuration settings, you must identify the Eagle Portal website ID the Global Settings.

To create Eagle Portal website IDs:

  1. From any Eagle window, click the Eagle Navigator button to access the Eagle Navigator.

  2. Enter Portal Administration in the Start Search text box.

  3. Click the Portal Administration (Reporting Center) link to access Portal Administration.
    You see the Portal Administration window.

  4. Click Yes in the Do you see the Eagle logo here? dialog box.
    You see the Portal Query Explorer window as the default.

  5. Click the Portal Query Explorer drop down menu and select Global Settings Explorer.

  6. In the Report Settings folder, click Portal Web Sites.

  7. Click Add.
    You see the Create a new website ID dialog box.

  8. From the Site ID dropdown, select the Eagle Portal website code for the site you are using, and click OK.

  9. To create a new website code value, click New.

  10. Add website ID entries for all the Eagle Portals you are using. These website IDs are displayed in the Portal Unique Web Site IDs section.
    You can now assign the appropriate website IDs to Eagle Portal instances as described in the following section.

Assign Eagle Portal Website IDs

To assign website IDs to Eagle Portal instances:

  1. From the location where the Eagle Portal is installed, locate PortalConfiguration.exe in \Portal NxG\Web\bin.

  2. Double click PortalConfiguration to open it.
    You see the Eagle Portal Website Configuration dialog box.

  3. In the Web Site ID field, enter the short description of the Eagle Portal website ID. This value must be an exact match for the Eagle Portal website ID code value short description.

Repeat this process for each Eagle Portal you are using. Eagle Portal settings only affect users who use the site, as defined in the Web Site ID field.

Log in to the Eagle Portal

After installing the Eagle Portal, you can provide your users with the link to access the Eagle Portal Login window.

When you log in to the Eagle Portal, you see the Dashboards window by default. The Eagle Portal Administrator can define an alternate destination, such as the Reports or Portfolios window for login.

Broadcast Messages are displayed via the Notifications link. The counts of new notifications received are also displayed.

To log in to the Eagle Portal:

  1. Enter the Eagle Portal URL in the address field of your browser and click Go.
    You see the Eagle Portal login window.

  2. Enter the user name and password.

  3. Click Log In.
    You see the Eagle Portal main window.