Book Preferred Stock Offering Costs

Book Preferred Stock Offering Costs

In the Book Preferred Stock panel, you can book an issuance transaction associated with offering costs for a closed-end fund that uses preferred shares processing. Offering costs are fees associated with issuing the series. You can enter the offering costs at the time you book the issuance or at a later time, if you do not know the offering cost amount at time of issuance. 

To manually book an offering cost associated with a preferred stock issuance:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Fund Accounting Cap Stock Transactions Book Preferred Stock.
    You see the Book Preferred Stock panel.

  2. In the Entity ID, Entity Name, and Share Series fields, select the entity identifier, entity name, and share series code value for the transaction. 
    Ensure you select a closed-end fund eligible for preferred shares processing.

  3. In the Trade Date, Accounting Date, and Settlement Date fields, specify the date values for the transaction.

  4. In the Transaction Type list, click Issuance. 

  5. In the Offering Cost box, define the offering cost amount for the transaction.

  6. Complete the remaining options on the Book Preferred Stock panel.
    An example follows.

    Book Preferred Stock - Offering Cost
  7. Click Submit.

An example follows that shows the Accounting Journal report entries for the transaction.

Accounting Journal Report - Offering Cost