Cancel Preferred Stock Transactions

Cancel Preferred Stock Transactions

In the Cancel Preferred Stock panel, you can cancel one or more preferred stock transactions that use preferred shares processing for closed-end funds. The panel allows you to cancel preferred stock transactions, including issuance, buyback, and offering cost transactions.

To cancel preferred stock transactions:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Fund Accounting Cap Stock > Transactions > Cancel Preferred Stock. 
    You see the Cancel Preferred Stock panel.

  2. In the Entity ID and Entity Name fields, specify the entity identifier and entity name for the fund associated with the transaction. 
    The Share Class field displays a value for Total Fund (TF).

  3. In the Share Series field, select the share series code value for the transactions you want to cancel. 
    For example, A.

  4. In the Date Type list, select the type of date that identifies the transactions you want to cancel. 
    Options include:
    - Effective Date
    - Accounting Date (Default)
    - Post Date
    - Settle Date
    - Month End Date

  5. In the Beginning Date and Ending Date fields, specify the start and end date of the transactions you want to cancel.

  6. In the Transaction Type list, select the type of preferred stock transactions that you want to cancel. 
    Options include:
    - Issuance
    - Buyback
    - Offering Cost
    - All (Default)

  7. Click Submit.
    You see the transactions that met your criteria in the Show All tab. 

  8. Select the check box in the row for each transaction you want to cancel and click Cancel Preferred Stock Transaction. 
    You see the Cancel Preferred Stock Transaction panel. In the grid, you see a row for each transaction you selected for cancellation. All fields other than Accounting Date are locked.

  9. Review the transactions you plan to cancel. You can change the Accounting Date value.

  10. Click Submit to cancel the selected transactions.