Refresh Insurance Data

Refresh Insurance Data

The Refresh Insurance Data panel is the primary driver for building Insurance data for a month. Through this panel, you can select whether to submit a Full Refresh or a Summary Refresh for the Refresh/Valuation process.

To perform the Refresh Insurance Data process:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Insurance > Processing > Build Insurance Data > Refresh Insurance Data.
    You see the Refresh Insurance Data panel.

    Refresh Insurance Data panel
  2. Enter the client/entity and As-of date to refresh.

  3. In the Refresh Summary field, indicate whether to execute a Summary Refresh.
    This option specifies whether to build summary Insurance data, for example Verification Between Years, Summary Investment Schedule. Options include Yes and No. While summary data is needed each month, for interim Refreshes, opting not to build summary data can serve to improve the execution time of the Refresh. The final Refresh for each month should always be run with Refresh Summary set to Yes to build all Insurance data.

  4. In the Allow Refresh field, indicate whether to execute an Allow Refresh.
    Options include:
    Yes. Delete and rebuild all Insurance data.
    No. Build in delta mode, building only data that changed since the last Refresh.
    You can view the Prior Month Refresh Status value.
    NOTE: If you set the Client Refresh Election of Require Prior-Month Freeze to Yes, the system does not permit you to submit the ISTAR Refresh/Valuation event for processing until the prior month is in freeze status. See Configure Client Refresh Elections for more information on setting this option.

  5. Click Submit.