Verify Other Build Statuses

You can verify the readiness of several other build processes, including the Risk Interrogatories, Schedule DL, Wash Sales, Interpreted Credit Ratings, and Summary Only Refresh builds.

To verify other build processes have successfully completed:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Insurance > Processing > Status Reports > Insurance Build Status Report (Other).
    You see the Insurance Build Status Report (Other) panel.

  2. Complete the options on the panel.

  3. Click Submit to submit the query.

Insurance Build Status Report (Other) Panel Options

The following table describes each option on the panel.





Status By

Process Type

Specifies the type of processing when you submit the panel. Options include:

  • Risk Interrogatories.

  • Schedule DL.

  • Wash Sales. The panel unhides the Ledger Periods and Annual/Quarterly Period fields for data entry.

  • Interpreted Credit Ratings.

  • Summary Only Refresh.

Status Based On

Specifies the scope for interpreting NAIC designations. Options include:

  • Client. Default.

  • Entity. The Entity ID and Entity Names become available for data entry.

Client ID

Specifies the client to process, by Client ID.

Client Name

Specifies the client to process, by Client Name.

Entity ID

Specifies the entity to process, by Entity ID.

Entity Name

Specifies the entity to process, by Entity Name.

Status Period

Report Start Date

Specifies the start date for security activity to process.

Report End Date

Specifies the ending date for security activity to process.

Ledger Periods

Specifies the ledger period to use for query results. This option applies only to the Wash Sales process type. Options include:

  • Current Year To Date

  • Prior Year To Date

  • Life To Date

Annual/Quarterly Period

Specifies the period to use for query results. This option applies only to the Wash Sales process type. Options include:

  • Annual (Default)

  • Quarterly