Interface to the General Ledger

Interface to the General Ledger

You can post Unrealized Gain/Loss information for securities with a statutory accounting basis, using Post STAT Unrealized Gains/Losses.

Post STAT URGL to the Ledger

To post STAT gains/(losses) to the General Ledger:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Insurance > Processing > Build Insurance Data > Post STAT URGL to Ledger.
    You see the Post STAT URGL to Ledger panel.

    Post STAT URGL to Ledger panel
  2. Enter the entity ID and month-end date.

  3. Click Submit to update the General Ledger, based on the calculated month end date.
    The GL posting interface posts the unrealized_gl_fx_ltd (tag 5846) and unrealized_gl_mkt_ytd (tag 5847) fields from the LOT_VALUATION table in the ISTAR database, for all "open" positions as of the specified month end, at the position level for the STAT basis to the ledger.

Unrealized Gain/(Loss) information is not provided for Futures. The posting logic errors the requested action if the month end status on the LOT_VALUATION table is equal to Null or Zero.

About G/L Processing Guidelines

The Post STAT Unrealized Gains/Losses process post the gains/(losses) for month end dates and updates the LEDGER_PERIOD table to reflect the date and user for the last execution of the ISTAR G/L Posting process. This information appears in the columns previously used to show Refresh Date and User.

For a given position/month end, the functionality rolls the previous unrealized amount back and posts the new life-to-date gain or loss data. The follow example illustrates this point:

  • 1/1/2010. Purchase 100 shares @ $15/share establishing the Total Market Value to be $1,500.

  • 1/31/2010. The share price rises to $20/share. The Total Market Value of the Position is now $2,000. The ISTAR Unrealized Gain/Loss process is run. One posting will be sent to the G/L indicating a $500 Unrealized Gain.

  • 2/28/2010. The share price rises to $22/share, making the Total Market Value of the Position equal to $2,200. ISTAR Unrealized Gain/Loss process is run. Two GL postings will be made, one for -$500 to back-out the January posting and one for $700 to reflect the new Total Unrealized Gain.

About G/L Considerations

The rollback/repost method described above has important consequences. For any given month end, all previous ledger postings must be correct for the total of the rollback and repost values to reconcile to the correct LTD Unrealized Gain/(Loss) value. This means that when ISTAR GL Posting is run for a prior-month, all subsequent months must also be rerun and you must perform the ISTAR Refresh/Valuation process before the STAT posting process, because the posting acquires values from the LOT_VALUATION table.

Example. If the current date is 7/31/2011 and ISTAR GL Posting is run for 4/30/2011, then the 5/31/2011, 6/30/2011, and 7/31/2011 postings must also be rerun, to bring the ledger's unrealized totals into balance.