Delete Pending Trade Rule Detail

Delete Pending Trade Rule Detail

In the Delete Pending Trade Rule Detail panel, you can delete pending trade rule details.

To delete a pending trade rule detail:

  1. In the Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions > Trades > Pending Trade Rule Detail > Delete Pending Trade Rule Detail.
    You see the Delete Pending Trade Rule Detail panel.

  2. Complete the options on the Delete Pending Trade Rule Detail panel and click Submit.
    You see information for the pending trade rule details that met your criteria in the Show All tab.

  3. Select the row for each pending trade rule detail you want to delete and click Delete Flagged Position Rules.
    In the lower pane of the Delete Flagged Position Rules tab, you see a row for each rule you selected. The fields describing the rule are locked, and are for information only.

  4. Click Submit to delete the selected rules.