Cancel a Single Trade or Batch of Trades
You can cancel a single trade using the Cancel Trade panel or can cancel a batch of trades for one or more entities and securities using the Batch Cancel Trade panel. You can also use the Cancel & Rebook Trade tool to search for a trade that has already been processed and not only cancel the trade but rebook the transaction.
Cancel Single Trades
In the Cancel Trade panel, you can cancel a single trade. If you track pending transaction activity, be aware that you can set up pending trade rules that determine how the system handles automated and manual trade cancellations within the pending trades workflow.
To cancel a single trade:
In the Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions > Trades > Cancel Trade > Cancel Trade.
You see the Cancel Trade panel.Complete the options on the Cancel Trade panel.
This panel is not security type specific. For example, you can use it to cancel equity, fixed income, and forward currency trades. It contains three main lookups:
– Entity Lookup. Specifies the entity using the Entity ID or Entity Name fields.
– Security Lookup. Specifies the Issuer Name/Xref ID/Ticker, Target Event ID, and Target Trade Ticket Number to search for a security. The lookup only returns securities held by the entity.
– Trade Lookup. Displays all trades booked for the security you selected via the security lookup in the Choose Trade to Cancel field. Select the trade you want to cancel. You can modify the Account Date. If you cancel a settled trade, the system automatically cancels the settlement of that trade using the Rollback and Replay process.Click Submit.
Cancel Trade Panel Options
The following are the options in the Cancel Trade panel.
Option | Tag | Description |
Entity Information |
Entity ID | 1163 | Specifies the unique identifier of the entity. |
Entity Name | 1164 | Specifies the name of the entity. |
Base Currency | 86 | Displays the base currency of the entity. |
Accounting Basis | 21 | Specifies the primary accounting basis for the entity. Options include:
Clearing Broker | 1236 | Specifies the name of the clearing broker associated with the trades you want to cancel. This field appears when you select an entity that uses cash segregation and derivative segregation. When you segregate derivatives, the system uses the clearing broker for segregation purposes. The lookup allows you to select clearing brokers associated with bank account relationships that have a relationship type of Entity & Clearing Broker Relationship. |
Clearing Broker Code | 1237 | Specifies the code for the clearing broker. This field appears when you select an entity that uses cash segregation and derivative segregation. |
Issue Information |
Cancel Trade By | 1256 | Specifies the security identifier for the trade you want to cancel. Additional options are displayed based on your selection. Options include:
Event Type | 55 | Displays the business intent of the event. For example, CANCEL. |
Begin Date | 220 | Defines the begin date. |
End Date | 221 | Defines the end date. |
Long/Short Indicator | 15 | Indicates whether a position is long or short. |
Xref Type | 1234 | Specifies the cross reference type associated with the security. |
Issue Name | 961 | Specifies the name of the security. |
Ticker | 13 | Specifies the trade ticker of the security. |
Instrument Type | 11 | Displays the type of instrument. |
Security Type | 82 | Displays the type of security. |
Processing Security Type | 3931 | Displays the processing security type. |
Issue Currency | 85 | Displays the local currency of the security. |
Target Event ID | 26 | Specifies the target event ID type. This field appears if you set Cancel Trade By to Target Event ID. |
Target Trade Ticket Number | 762 | Specifies the trade ticket identification number of the target trade. |
Cancel Trade Detail Information |
Choose Trade to Cancel | 962 | Identifies the trade that you want to cancel. The lookup displays all trades booked for the security. |
Cancel Effective Date | 35 | Displays the cancel effective date. |
Cancel Accounting Date | 36 | Specifies the cancel accounting date. |
Cancel Monthly Accounting Date | 4733 | Displays the cancel monthly accounting date. |
Settlement Dt | 37 | Displays the settlement date. |
Original Accounting Date | 7560 | Displays the original accounting date. |
Original Monthly Accounting Date | 7561 | Displays the original monthly accounting date. |
Target Event Type | 502 | Displays the target event type. |
Quantity | 40 | Displays the quantity. |
Price | 45 | Displays the price. |
Local Net Amount | 50 | Displays the local net amount. |
Target Event ID | 26 | Displays the target event ID. |
Other Information |
Transaction Notes | 56 | Specifies notes about the transaction. |
Ex-Interest Coupon Recognition Date | 16311 | Displays the Ex-Interest Coupon Recognition Date value for the entity related to the trade you are cancelling to indicate whether the system can create coupons posted on ex-date rather than on coupon day for the entity. For more information, see About Ex Interest Processing. |
Cancel a Batch of Trades
In the Batch Cancel Trade panel, you can cancel a batch of trades for one or more entities and/or securities.
To cancel a batch of trades:
In the Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions > Trades > Cancel Trades > Batch Cancel Trade.
You see the Batch Cancel Trade panel.Complete the options on the Batch Cancel Trade panel.
Click Submit.
Batch Cancel Trade Panel Options
The following are the options in the Batch Cancel Trade panel.
Option | Tag | Description |
Date Range |
Date Range Based On | 1257 | Specifies the date type. Options include:
Start Date | 220 | Defines the start date. |
End Date | 221 | Defines the end date. |
Entity Information |
Entity ID | 1163 | Specifies the identifier of the entity. |
Entity Name | 1164 | Specifies the name of the entity. |
Custody Bank/Clearing Broker | 1146 | Specifies the name of the custodian bank or the name of the clearing broker associated with derivative trades you want to cancel. This field appears when you select an entity that uses cash segregation and derivative segregation. The field lookup allows you to select a bank account relationship that applies to the selected entity. You can select a bank account relationship for a custody bank or for a clearing broker. When you select a bank account relationship, the system displays related values for the Custody Bank/Clearing Broker Code and the Custody Bank/Clearing Broker Account Number fields. |
Custody Bank/Clearing Broker Code | 1240 | if you select a bank account relationship that applies to a custody bank, this field displays the code value, or short name, used to identify the custodian bank holding the assets. Otherwise, if you select a bank account relationship that applies to a clearing broker, this field displays the code value, or short name, used to identify the clearing broker. This field appears if you select an entity that uses cash segregation and derivatives segregation. |
Custody Bank/Clearing Broker Account Number | 1660 | if you select a bank account relationship that applies to a custody bank, this field displays the custodian bank account number for the entity that is held in custody. Otherwise, if you select a bank account relationship that applies to a clearing broker, this field displays the clearing broker account number. This field appears if you select an entity that uses cash segregation and derivatives segregation. |
Issue Information |
Long/Short Indicator | 16 | Indicates whether the position is long or short.Options include Long and Short. |
Xref Type | 1234 | Specifies the security identifier type. |
Issue Name | 961 | Specifies the issue name. |
Ticker | 13 | Specifies the ticker. |
Xref ID | 1233 | Specifies the security identifier. |
Batch Information |
Choose Trade to Cancel | 962 | Displays all trades booked for the security. |
Batch Identifier | 701 | Specifies the batch identifier. This optional field must be supplied by the client. |
Processing Security Type | 3931 | Displays the processing security type (PST). |
Level of Batch Cancel | 1256 | Determines the processing of batch cancels. Options include:
Target Trade Ticket Number | 762 | Displays the target trade ticket number. |
Trade Date | 35 | Displays the trade date. |
Batchcancel Accounting Date | 36 | Specifies the batch cancel accounting date. |
Batchcancel Monthly Accounting Date | 4733 | Displays the batch cancel monthly accounting date. |
Original Accounting Date | 7560 | Displays the original accounting date. |
Original Monthly Accounting Date | 7561 | Displays the original monthly accounting date. |
Broker Name | 1235 | Displays the broker name. |
Broker Code | 88 | Displays the broker code. |
Ex-Interest Coupon Recognition Date | 16311 | Displays the Ex-Interest Coupon Recognition Date value for the entity related to the trades you are cancelling to indicate whether the system can create coupons posted on ex-date rather than on coupon day for the entity. For more information, see About Ex Interest Processing. |
Transaction Notes | 56 | Specifies notes about the transaction. |