Search for a Security when Booking a Trade

Search for a Security when Booking a Trade

In the Book Trade workspace, you can search for the account and/or security for which you want to process the transaction. You must identify the security at a minimum.

To search for the security for the trade:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Transactions > Trades Book Trade/Rebook Trade > Book Trade. 
    You see the Book Trade workspace.

  2. On the Book Trade tab, in the Tools group, click Search and then select New SearchLast Search, or any saved search. Or, click the chevron icon to the right of the workspace to expand the Search Details pane.
    You see the Search Details pane.

  3. Complete the search criteria.
    You can specify a value in the Entity ID, Xref Type, and/or Xref ID fields or can click the Entity ID or Xref ID arrow to select a different entity or security option. Or you can click Add Search Criteria to manage the search criteria that appear.

  4. Click the Search button in the Search Details pane.
    You see the search results based on the criteria you selected. Your search criteria appear to the left of the workspace header.

  5. If you want to save your search criteria, click Save or Save As and enter a name for the search.

  6. In the Grid tab, you can use the options to manage how data displays for the search results.

After you specify search criteria and review the search results, you can select a security from the search results and process a transaction for that security. The system uses the entity/or and security you selected in the search criteria as default values in the transaction entry panel.

Book Trade Search Options

In the Book Trade workspace, when you search for entity/security information, the following fields appear by default in the Search Details pane. You can click Add Search Criteria  to add the additional fields to your search criteria.





Default Options

Entity ID

Specifies the unique identifier of the entity.

Xref Type

Displays the cross reference type associated with the security.

Xref ID

Specifies the cross reference identifier associated with the security.

Additional Options

Entity Name

Specifies the name of the entity.

Issue Name

Specifies the name of the security.

Issue Description

Describes the issue.


Specifies the trade ticker of the security.

Primary Asset ID

Specifies the primary asset identifier for the security.

Pool Number

Specifies the pool number of the security.

Security Alias

The security alias of the security.