FTP CM Not Read Pattern

The FTP CM Not Read pattern is identified by the phrase “FTP CM not read” in the subject line right after the environment name.

This alert was designed to work with the SiteSee FTP Reader. It is sent when it takes too much time to take the file from a specific folder.

Configuration Details

W_CM_EA_FTP_READER_ENABLED parameter should be set Y in w_config_custom.inc :


The folder which is checked is specified in the SITESEE_FTP_SUBFOLDER parameter:


The timeout is set as SITESEE_FTP_CHECK_TIME parameter:


Example Email with the FTP CM Not Read Alert

Subject: ENVxxx: New=Y: FTP CM not read: FTP CM not read in 180 seconds. List of files: RunTaskRequest_RSUGL_101_EXTRACT2.xml, RunTaskRequest_RSUGL_102_EXTRACT2.xml


Impact: 2
Urgency: 2
Category: Technology Support
Sub-Category: Technology Support others
CI: ENVxxx
Error description: FTP CM not read in 180 seconds. List of files: RunTaskRequest_RSUGL_101_EXTRACT2.xml, RunTaskRequest_RSUGL_102_EXTRACT2.xml