View and Edit Ratings Details

The Rating Details tab displays vendor ratings source details.  Here you can modify the issuer ratings details date and source.

To view and edit ratings details:

  1. Click the Ratings Details tab.
    You see the Ratings Details tab.

  2. The Issuer Ratings Details date defaults to today's date. 

  3. In the Sources drop-down, select a source.

  4. Click Apply Filters.

  5. Click Save.
    You see the Change Summary detailing the pending changes.

  6. Click Submit Changes.

Add Ratings

In the Add Issuer Ratings screen you can add a new rating source details.

To add a rating:

  1. Click the Rating tab and then on the ribbon, click Add Legal Entity Data.
    You see the Add Issuer ratings dialog.

  2. To edit the Effective date, click the calendar control and select a new date.

  3. In the Source Type drop-down, select a source type. Options include:
    –  Gold Copy
    –  Vendor

  4. In the Source drop down, select a source.

  5. Optionally, enter an Alpha Rating and Numerical Rating.

  6. Click Add.