Override and Release Legal Entity Exceptions

Override and Release Legal Entity Exceptions

In the Edit Legal Entity window, you can edit fields and resolve exceptions. You can override the value of a failed gold copy field, release the exception on a failed gold copy or vendor field, or replace the failed gold copy field value with the vendor field value.

To override the value of a field that failed validation:

  1. In the Legal Entities workspace, select the entity you want to resolve and then click Edit.
    You see the Edit window with the Details tab selected.
    A red square indicates a failed gold copy field. A blue arrow indicates an updated gold copy field.

  2. Select the exception for the reference data type you wish to resolve.
    You see the field displayed in the Details pane.

  3. Double-click the Current Day Gold Copy field to change the gold copy field.
     You see the Current Value dialog box with the current value displayed.

  4. In the New Value text box, enter a new value. Or, check the Make this NULL checkbox to release the field to the Eagle data warehouse with a null value.

  5. In the Edit Type drop down, select an edit type option.

  6. In the Expires After textbox, enter the expiration date of the override, or select the Do Not Expire Check box if you want the override to persist indefinitely.

  7. In the Reason Code drop down, select a reason code, enter a comment, and click Save.
    The system updates the gold copy field and displays a blue arrow to the left of the field.

Edit Type Options

Select an option in the Edit Type. 






The system uses the new value for the gold copy field.


The system uses the new value if no vendor data is received and the override date has not expired.

Temporary Override 

The system uses the new value until new vendor data is received.