View and Edit Legal Entities

In the Edit Legal Entity workspace, you can view and edit legal entity data. Here you can view and edit legal entity details, security role details, relationship information, issuer analytics, and issuer ratings details. 

To view legal entity detail data:

  1. In the Reference Desk workspace, in the left navigation, click Legal Entities.
     You see the Legal Entity workspace with all the available legal entity detail data.

  2. Click the View Data By drop-down and then select Legal Entities and their Exceptions.

  3. Complete the required search criteria and click the Search button.

  4. Double click the legal entity you wish to view or edit.
    You see the Edit Legal Entity window with the Legal Entity Details tab as the default. The Details tab displays information such as Issuer ID and Name General Information such as Address, Country, Currency, Counterparty, Legal Entity Classification such as Industry Sector, Additional Legal Entity Information such as Primary Analyst and GICS Industry Information.

  5. To view any details of any of the displayed values, right click on the value and select View Value Details.  

  6. To edit the Issuer Details, click on the calendar and select a new date.

  7. To update the Source, select a source from the drop down list and click Apply Filters.
    You see the Change Summary detailing the pending changes.

  8. Click Submit Changes.

Edit Legal Entity Data

In the Edit Legal Entity workspace you can edit legal entity details. You can also create a new legal entity from within the Edit Legal Entity workspace.

To edit legal entity detail data:

  1. In the Reference Desk workspace, in the left navigation, click Legal Entities.
     You see the Legal Entity workspace with all the available legal entity data.

  2. Click the View Data By drop-down and then select Legal Entities and their Exceptions.

  3. Complete the required search criteria and click the Search button.
    You see the list of legal entities display in the Legal Entity workspace.

  4. Double click the legal entity you want to edit.
    You see the Edit Legal Entity window with the Legal Entity Details tab as the default. The Details tab displays information such as Issuer ID and Name General Information such as Address, Country, Currency, Counterparty, Legal Entity Classification such as Industry Sector, Additional Legal Entity Information such as Primary Analyst and GICS Industry Information.

  5. To view any details of any of the displayed values, right click on the value and select View Value Details.  

  6. To edit the Issuer Details, click on the calendar and select a new date.

  7. To update the Source, select a source from the drop down list and click Apply Filters.
    You see the Change Summary detailing the pending changes.

  8. Click Submit Changes.

Create a New Legal Entity 

You can create a new legal entity from within the Edit Legal Entity Workspace.

To create a new legal entity from within the legal entity workspace:

  1. In the Edit Legal Entity workspace, click Create New and then select either:
    Legal Entity (US)
    Legal Entity (Non US)
    You see the legal entity fields assigned by the data strategy.

  2. Complete the options on the Create New Legal Entity panel.

  3. Click Save.
    You see the newly created legal entity in the workspace.Â