Peer Group Data in Data Mart

Peer Group Data in Data Mart

Peer Group Data is supported only the Fund Summary Model in Data Mart. Use a dedicated Mart, or use extensions to effectively manage the Peer Group data. 

To add Peer Group fields to the Fund Summary model:

  1. In Reporting Center, from the left navigation, select Reporting Tools > Datamart > Manage Marts >Data Mart.
    You see the Data Mart workspace.

  2. Select the Fund Summary model and click the Edit Model link.
    You see the Editing Model dialog box.

  3. Click the Fields tab, and add the required fields.

  4. Click the Fields Schedules tab, and set up if you want to populate your peer group fields in your Data Mart schedules.

  5. Click the Filters/Mappings tab, and make any necessary changes.

  6. Click the Funds (Entities) tab, and make any necessary changes.
    If you want to report data for Peer Group entities themselves, you must add them here. If you only want to report peer group data using field attributes that specify a portfolio's related peer group or groups, you only need to list the portfolios here.

  7. Click the Fields tab, and add the required peer group fields.

  8. Click the Access tab, and then the Currency tab, and make any necessary changes for the model.

  9. Click OK to save your changes.
    Then, submit the model to populate the FUND_SUMMARY table in the database.

Migration Wizard Support

Migration Wizard supports Peer Group data in both OLAP reporting and Data Mart.