Define Groups

Define Groups

The Grouping tab defines the grouping structure of a Group model, such as a hierarchy of fields or a dictionary. PACE grouping rules determine the organization of the data for reporting purposes. There are five types of grouping rules, which are referred to as group types in Data Mart:

  • Simple Fields. Simple fields organize data based on one or more character based fields. For example, you can use a simple field to subtotal by state, country, or investment type. You can add any number of simple fields.

  • Range Rules. Range rules organize data based on ranges of a numeric or date based field. The interval of each range is a group. For example, you can use a range rule to define coupon ranges as Low (0–6), Medium (6–9), and High (above 9).
    You can have multiple range rules. However, the field type of the second range rule must be the same type as the first. See the following table for additional details.
    Range rules are not supported for Performance Analysis and Attribution fields.

  • Regular Dictionaries (Classifications). Regular dictionaries categorize information into groups. For example, you can have a regular dictionary that classifies securities by continent. You can only add one regular dictionary.

  • Performance Dictionaries (Performance models). You only need to use a Performance dictionary to define a grouping if you are loading returns from an outside source rather than calculating them using Eagle Performance. If you are calculating returns with Eagle, you can still use a Performance dictionary to group. However, this approach is less flexible then mapping the dictionary on the Fields tab.
    You can only add one Performance dictionary. The content of the Performance dictionary can be made up of a combination of simple fields, range rules, and regular dictionaries.
    If you select a Performance dictionary and it is not based on a range rule or regular dictionary, you can mix performance and non-performance fields in the model without restriction. However, if you select a Performance dictionary that is based on a range rule and/or a regular dictionary and you want to mix performance and non-performance fields in the model, you cannot use a Performance dictionary as your grouping. Instead, you must map the dictionary to the model in the Fields tab, and use simple fields as your grouping, as follows:

    • Use a classification custom simple field for each regular dictionary row contained in the Performance dictionary

    • Use an inference custom simple field for each range rule contained in the Performance dictionary.
      If you use simple fields, range rules, or regular dictionaries to group the model and you define both performance and non-performance fields, you must map a Performance dictionary to the model in the Fields tab. The Performance dictionary must have the same number of levels (below the entity level) as the group.Entity ID is always the first group level for Performance data. However, this first level never appears in a Group model. The entity level is built using the Fund Summary model.

  • Filter. Filters support reporting of general ledger data at a group level, by groups of ledger subaccounts.