Manage Query Options

Manage Query Options

To manage query report options:

  1. From the Eagle Portal main window, click Settings in the top right corner.
    You see the Settings dialog box with the Change Password option as the default.
  2. Click Queries in the left navigation.
  3. Select the appropriate options:
    –  Concentration query currency conversion. Allows you to specify if currency conversion is available when running query reports.
    –  Datamart details per page. Allows you to select the number of items to display per page in the Eagle Data Mart details query report. The default is 10.
    –  Entity history. Allows you to consider entity history when retrieving entity information in query reports.
    –  Multiple portfolios allowed when supported. Allows you to select multiple portfolios at one time when running query reports.
    –  Number of query results per page. Allows you to select the number of results from query reports to display per page.
    –  Pivot query records per page. Allows you to select the number of results from cross tab query reports to display per page.
    –  Trades/Cash date types. Allows you to select the date type from the Date Type drop down list used for running query reports. Options include: Effective Date, Settlement Date, and Trade Date.
  4. Click Save to save your changes.