Manage Portfolio Options
Manage Portfolio Options
To manage portfolio options:
- From the Eagle Portal main window, click Settings in the top right corner.
You see the Settings dialog box with the Change Password option as the default. - Click Portfolios in the left navigation.
- Select the appropriate options:
– Allow for case sensitivity (Applies to Oracle only). Allows you to indicate if the entity information may be case sensitive.
– Allow multiple portfolios to be selected for dashboards. Allows multiple portfolios to be selected for dashboard reports. If enabled, you can select more than one fund when running dashboard reports.
– My Portfolios Area. Allows you access and manage portfolios that are available to you.
– Number of Portfolios per page. Allows you select the number of portfolios to display per page in the Portfolios window.
– Portfolio Selector: Display column name from Entity table. Specifies the portfolio display column name from the RULESDBO.ENTITY table. Default column name is ENTITY_NAME.
– Portfolio Selector: Items per page. Allows you to select the number of portfolios to display during the search.
– Portfolio Suggest: Retain selected portfolio across query reports. Allows you to retain the selected portfolio when navigating between query reports, keeping the current portfolio active.
– Use exact match on character fields. Allows you to specify if an exact match must be found before the Portfolio Selector returns any results. - Click Save to save your changes.
, multiple selections available,