Manage Portfolio Options

Manage Portfolio Options

To manage portfolio options:

  1. From the Eagle Portal main window, click Settings in the top right corner.
    You see the Settings dialog box with the Change Password option as the default.
  2. Click Portfolios in the left navigation.
  3. Select the appropriate options:
    –  Allow for case sensitivity (Applies to Oracle only). Allows you to indicate if the entity information may be case sensitive.
    –  Allow multiple portfolios to be selected for dashboards. Allows multiple portfolios to be selected for dashboard reports. If enabled, you can select more than one fund when running dashboard reports.
    –  My Portfolios Area. Allows you access and manage portfolios that are available to you.
    –  Number of Portfolios per page. Allows you select the number of portfolios to display per page in the Portfolios window.
    –  Portfolio Selector: Display column name from Entity table. Specifies the portfolio display column name from the RULESDBO.ENTITY table. Default column name is ENTITY_NAME.
    –  Portfolio Selector: Items per page. Allows you to select the number of portfolios to display during the search.
    –  Portfolio Suggest: Retain selected portfolio across query reports. Allows you to retain the selected portfolio when navigating between query reports, keeping the current portfolio active.
    –  Use exact match on character fields. Allows you to specify if an exact match must be found before the Portfolio Selector returns any results.
  4. Click Save to save your changes.