Manage Available Portfolios

Manage Available Portfolios

In the Eagle Portal, you can view portfolios that are available to you. You can use these portfolios when working with dynamically generated query reportsdashboard reports, and Inbox reports.

To access portfolios that are available to you, click Portfolios in the Eagle Portal's main window.

The Eagle Portal Administrator configures which portfolios are available to you in the Eagle data warehouse's Portal Administration window.

View Available Portfolios

To view portfolios that are available to you:

  1. From the Eagle Portal main window, click Portfolios.
    You see the Portfolios window in the current view with a list of available portfolios. This list is based on the default search criteria, including the Entity ID, Entity Type, Legal Name, and Fund Market Value + Income configured by the Eagle Portal Administrator.  
  2. To sort portfolios in ascending or descending order, click the underlined column name.
  3. To designate a portfolio as a Favorite, click the portfolio row and click the gray star next to the portfolio name. Or, click the Manage drop down menu and select Favorites. Click Add to Favorites to designate a Favorite portfolio or click Remove from Favorites.
    If the star next to the portfolio name is gold, the portfolio is designated as a Favorite.
  4. To select different portfolios and dates, click Edit Criteria.
    You see the Edit Criteria dialog box.
  5. Select the appropriate options:
    –  View. Allows you to select a view. You can select from the views you created or from the shared views that are available to you.
    –  Date. Allows you to select a date or a date range for which to display portfolio information. You can click the drop down arrow to select a date from the calendar or enter the date directly into the text box.
    –  Restore Defaults. Allows you to reset all the changes you made to the criteria and use default portfolio information.
  6. Click Submit.
    You see the portfolio information for the dates you selected.
  7. To manage the way the portfolio information is displayed in the current view, click the Current View drop down menu and select the appropriate options. 
Content on this page:

Select from Available Portfolios

To select from portfolios that are available to you:

  1. From the Eagle Portal main window, click Dashboards when working with dashboard reports and use the Edit Criteria dialog box to select one or more portfolios.
  2. Click Reports when working with Inbox reports and scheduled reports and use the Submit Report dialog box to select one or more portfolios.
  3. Click the Queries when working with query reports and use the Edit Criteria dialog box to select one or more portfolios.

A button next to the portfolio name indicates that you can select only a single portfolio. A check box next to the portfolio name indicates that you can select multiple portfolios.

Manage Portfolio Views

In the Eagle Portal, you can customize how the portfolio information is displayed, including the current view, the views you created, and the views that are available to you.

Manage the Portfolio Current View

To manage the portfolio current view:

  1. From the Eagle Portal main window, click Portfolios.
  2. To select a view, click the View drop down menu, select My Views or Shared Views, and click to select a view.
    The view you selected becomes the current view. My Views option allows you to select views that you created and Shared Views option allows you to select views that are available to you.
  3. To add or remove columns from the current view, including the Favorite column, click the Current View drop down menu and select Add/Remove Columns:
    –  Click the column name and click the left or right arrow to add or remove columns. To add or remove all columns at once, click Add All or Remove All.
    –  Click the up and down arrows to change the order of how the columns are displayed.
    –  To add or manage percent fields, click Manage Percent Fields in the top right corner of the Add/Remove Columns dialog box and complete the fields in the Manage Percent Fields dialog box. Click the Update icon and click Close.
    –  Click Save in the Add/Remove Columns dialog box.
  4. To narrow down the portfolio selection, for example to only view portfolios that begin with a specific name, click the Current View drop down menu and select Advanced Filter:
    –  In the Filter Builder dialog box, click And, select Add Condition, click Entity Name, enter the portfolio name, and click OK.
    –  To remove the filter, click And in the Filter Builder dialog box, select Remove, and click OK.
  5. To clear all filters from the current view, click Clear in the right corner of the window.
  6. To save the changes you made to the current view, click the Current View drop down menu and select Save.
  7. To save the current view with a different name, click the Current View drop down menu and select Save As.
  8. To limit the number of portfolios displayed in the current view, select a number from the Results per Page drop down menu.

Manage My Views and Shared Views for Portfolios

To manage all portfolio views:

  1. From the Eagle Portal main window, click Portfolios.
  2. Click the Manage drop down menu and select Views.
    You see the Views window with My Views and Shared Views areas.
  3. Under My Views, click the check box next to the view you wish to edit, copy, or delete.
  4. Click Edit to make changes to the view, Copy to copy the view, or Delete to delete the view.
  5. Clickto publish the view so it becomes available as a shared view to other Eagle Portal users.
    You see the view that you have published displayed in the Shared Views area.
  6. Under Shared Views, click the check box next to the shared view you wish to copy, delete, or modify.

    You can edit only the shared views that you have published.

  7. Click Copy to copy the view or Delete to delete the view.
  8. Click Modify to make changes to the shared view and republish the view.
    You see the portfolio view you published displayed in the Shared Views area.

Publish Portfolio Views

In the Eagle Portal, you can publish portfolio views to make them available to all Eagle Portal users, specific individual users, or specific user groups.

To publish a portfolio view:

  1. From the Eagle Portal main window, click Portfolios.
    You see the Portfolios window with a list of available portfolios.
  2. Click the Manage drop down menu and select Views.
    You see the window with My Views and Shared Views areas.
  3. To publish a view you created, under My Views, click the check box next to the view you wish to publish and click .
  4. To republish a shared view, under Shared Views, click the check box next to the view and click Modify.
    You see the Publish View dialog box. 
  5. Select the appropriate options:
    –  Publish As. Allows you to assign a name to the portfolio view and select multilingual translation options, if needed.
    –  Description. Allows you to enter a brief description of the published portfolio view and select multilingual translation options, if needed.
    –  Re-publish the contents of this view. Allows you to make changes to the published portfolio view after the initial publishing.
    –  Make this available to all users. Allows you to make the portfolio view available to all Eagle Portal users.
    –  Add/Remove. Allows you to specify the users or groups that will have access to the published view. You can search by user name or group name to quickly locate the user or group.
  6. Click Save and Publish.
    You see that the portfolio view you published is displayed in the Shared Views area.