About the Eagle Job Management (EJM) Monitoring Tool

About the Eagle Job Management (EJM) Monitoring Tool

The Eagle Job Management (EJM) Monitoring Tool is a standalone application for monitoring and troubleshooting of all processes that use the EJM framework. The EJM Monitoring tool allows you to monitor at the summary and detail level the execution and status of various activities executed via the EJM framework. You can monitor the status of EJM processes, subprocesses, and tasks created in IWS as well as the status of processes created in Eagle's classic modules such as Eagle's Message Center Editor.

Eagle currently recommends using the EJM Monitoring Tool for EJM process monitoring and troubleshooting. While Automation Center also allows EJM process monitoring, the EJM Monitoring Tool offers more robust capabilities. Eagle plans to incorporate the EJM Monitoring Tool into Automation Center at a future date.

This tool can be downloaded and accessed from your desktop or from the Integration & Workflow Studio (IWS).

BNY requests that you contact your Eagle Representative prior to using this product.