Manage Entitlements for the EJM Monitoring Tool

Manage Entitlements for the EJM Monitoring Tool

Basic entitlements have been added to the EJM Monitoring Tool.  These entitlements leverage the Message Center Group Settings entitlements that are in the Eagle product.

To leverage these entitlements, the environment must have EagleML June 2016 Release or later installed.

The entitlements are as follows:

  1. All users with access to the Eagle environment can use the EJM Monitoring Tool in a read-only mode.

  2. If the Message Center Group Settings of "Edit Streams" is enabled, then in EJM Monitoring Tool you can save profile files. 

  3. If this setting is disabled, you are not able to save the profile files.

  4. If the Message Center Group Settings of Run Streams is enabled, then in EJM Monitoring Tool you can use the RunNow feature for the processes. You can also use the Stop Process or Stop All Instances features.

  5. If this setting is disabled, you can not use the RunNow, Stop Process or Stop All Instances features. 

  6. If the Message Center Group Settings of "Run Streams with Tags" is enabled, you can RunWithOverrides (RunWithProfiles) feature for the processes. 

  7. If this setting is disabled, you can not RunWithOverrides (RunWithProfiles) feature for the processes. 

For reference, screenshots of the Message Center Group Settings windows in Eagle follow.

In User Administration:

Message Center Group Settings window

In User Manager (Eagle Classic, versions prior to v17):