Review Summary Status of EJM Processes

Review Summary Status of EJM Processes

In the EJM Monitoring Tool, the EJM Processes window allows you to review summary level status of the following:

  • EJM processes, subprocesses, and tasks

  • Data files

  • Messages

In the EJM Process Progress pane, you can see a visual representation of the EJM processes, subprocesses, and tasks created in IWS. This feature is currently not available for EJM processes and tasks created in Eagle's classic modules such as Eagle's Message Center Editor.

To review the summary status of EJM processes, subprocesses, and tasks, as well as data files and messages:

  1. In the EJM Processes window, use the Search dialog box to search for a specific EJM process, subprocess, or task.

  2. In the EJM Process Summary pane, click the EJM process, subprocess, or task you wish to review.

    EJM Monitoring tool - review the summary status of EJM processes
  3. In the EJM Process Progress pane, review the visual representation of the EJM process and the status of each subprocess and task. A green check next to the subprocess or task indicates successful completion.

  4. In the Data for the Process pane, review the status of the data files used in subprocesses and tasks.

  5. In the Task Details pane, review the status of messages. Click the Control MessageFinal Status, and Workflow State tabs to view more details.

  6. To refresh the information in the EJM Process Summary pane, click the Refresh button.