Review Status of Messages

In the EJM Monitoring Tool, you can review the status of messages by accessing the Message Details window from the Task Details pane of the EJM Processes window. You can drill down and review message level details of EJM processes, subprocesses, and tasks.

Messages have two versions of the Success status: Successfully Completed and Returned Result and Successfully Completed and No Data Returned. However, the EJM Monitoring Tool does not distinguish between these two versions of the status and assigns the status of Success.

To access the Message Details window from the Task Details pane:

  1. In the EJM Processes window, click the appropriate task in the EJM Process Summary pane, then right-click a row in the Task Details pane, and select Show Messages and Show All.

    EJM Monitoring Tool - Show All Messages


  2. In the Message Details window, click the message with the red circle and scroll down to review the error.