Generic Entity can use 3 overlay files:
Click to expand overlay content (same for all 3 Generic Entity overlays):
<tag id="95" anchortype="AfterTag" anchortag="7662" action="add">
<property name="valuetagid" value="95" />
<property name="usertagname" value="Partition" />
<property name="hide" value="YES" />
<property name="valmax_width" value="0" />
<property name="valinfolinkid" value="95i" />
<property name="literalinfolinkid" value="95l" />
<property name="descinfolinkid" value="95d" />
<property name="defaultvalue" value="1" />
<grouplist />
<taglist />
<history />
Specific Use Cases In particular, using overlays helps to cure "NON BUSINESS DAY PROCESSING DOES NOT MATCH ELECTION ON EARN THRU RULE" error.