Entity Accounting Periods Inbound Interface

Entity Accounting Periods Inbound Interface


The Entity Accounting Period inbound interface can load and update data in the following database tables:


  • RULESDBO.ENTITY_ACCT_BASIS (insert only, data is loaded only if the Accounting Basis specified in incoming message does not exist in the DB [see the 'Accounting Basis' section])

The specified DB tables are independent of each other. Data is loaded using different stored procedures
The incoming message format: EagleML (AccountingPeriods object).

In this section

Entity Accounting Period works only in UNIX environments

Stream Logic

To load or update data in the  Accounting Period tables, send the following EagleML message to the eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_entity stream.
See an example of incoming EagleML message.
There are 2 modes of data load:

  1. using stored procedure (SP mode)

  2. using SQL query for direct insert/update (UPSERT mode)

Please see the sections SP mode of data loading and UPSERT mode of data loading for more details.
The UPSERT mode is used by default (when the Accounting Validation Flag is not defined or its value is 'N'). 
If you want to use SP mode, set the Accounting Validation Flag value to 'Y'.

Primary Key

The primary key of ESTAR.ESTAR_ACCOUNTING_PERIODS DB table consists of the following elements:
Entity Id (Portfolio Acct) + Accounting Basis + Start Date + End Date

Required Elements

The following elements are required in the EagleML message: Entity Id (or identifiers), Accounting Basis, Start Date and End Date.

  • Entity Id: entityTransaction/entityAccountingPeriods/entityId (or entity identifiers – see Entity Resolution Logic section). Entity Id should exist in RULESDBO.ENTITY DB table. It is mapped to ESTAR.ESTAR_ACCOUNTING_PERIODS.PORTFOLIO_ACCT DB field.

  • Accounting Basis: entityTransaction/entityAccountingPeriods/accountingBasis. Before loading data into the main database Accounting Basis should exist in RULESDBO.ENTITY_ACCOUNTING_BASIS DB table. If the Accounting Basis specified in incoming message does not exist in the database (it checked in a lookup), this value can be loaded to DB. For more details, please see the section 'Accounting Basis' below. The value from incoming message is mapped to ESTAR.ESTAR_ACCOUNTING_PERIODS.ACCT_BASIS DB field.

  • Start Date: entityTransaction/entityAccountingPeriods/startDt. The starting date of current Accounting Period. Mapped to ESTAR.ESTAR_ACCOUNTING_PERIODS.START_DT DB field.

  • End Date: entityTransaction/entityAccountingPeriods/endDt. The ending date of current Accounting Period. Mapped to ESTAR.ESTAR_ACCOUNTING_PERIODS.END_DT DB field.

Accounting Basis

A feature allowing the user to check and auto load the Accounting Basis specified in the incoming message has been added to the Accounting Period interface. (see this page for more details)

Entity Id

Entity Id can either be specified right in the EagleML message or resolved by Entity Xreference Identifiers using Entity Resolution logic.

Base Currency

Base Currency can be specified in the incoming message. If Base Currency does not exist in the incoming message, its value will be resolved by a lookup into RULESDBO.ENTITY DB table.

Data Load Modes

The Accounting Period inbound interface can load data into DB in two modes: