About the Generic Entity Inbound Interface

About the Generic Entity Inbound Interface


Generic Entity inbound interface allows loading and updating the data in the following database tables:


Relationship between DB tables ENTITY and ENTITY_EXTENSION (1:1):


Relationship between DB tables ENTITY and ENTITY_STAR_PROCESSING (1:1):


Relationship between DB tables ENTITY and ENTITY_EXTENSION (1:1):


Relationship between DB tables ENTITY and ENTITY_EXTENSION_DETAIL (1:1):

Relationship between DB tables ENTITY and LEI_DETAILS (1:1):

Relationship between DB tables ENTITY and ENTITY_XREFERENCE (1:N):

Format of incoming message is EagleML.

Stream Logic

For loading or updating data in ENTITY tables, send your EagleML message to the eagle_ml-2-0_default_in_xml_entity stream.

Header Element

Please note, that you should use 

before your genericEntity section of the message. Otherwise you will be getting "No rule file selected" error

Entity Id Element

The element Entity Id (entityTransaction/genericEntity/entiyId) binds all DB tables in the main section. The Entity Id could be specified directly in the EagleML message or it could be calculated by Enttiy Xreference Identifiers used Entity Resolution Logic.

Main (Generic Entity) Section

The data from the main section of EagleML message (all elements from EagleML/entityTransaction/genericEntity complex node except legalEntityId complex element) are loaded into RULESDBO.ENTITY, RULESDBO. ENTITY_STAR_PROCESSING, RULESDBO.ENTITY_EXTENSION and RULESDBO.ENTITY_EXTENSION_DETAIL database tables.
See the additional information about Generic Entity section

Legal Entity Id Section

The data from the Legal Entity Id (LEI) section (complex node legalEntityId) of EagleML message are loaded into SECURITYDBO.LEI_DETAILS DB table.
See the additional information about Legal Entity Id section

Entity Xreference Section

The new entity xreference identifiers could be inserted into the RULESDBO.ENTITY_XREFERENCE DB table.
See the additional information about Legal Entity Xreference section

Also, see specific load cases for Generic Entity