Entity Activities Delete

Entity Activities Delete

To delete entity activities use set header/action = ‘DELETEACTIVITY’.

The process deletes entity activities and sets/updates accounting dates. It consists of four steps:

1. Delete a portfolio
Executed by eagle/star/admin/pan-delaportfolio.htm panel

2. Delete STAR to PACE positions
Executed by eagle/star/admin/pan-starpacedelpos.htm panel

3. Add accounting periods
Executed by eagle/star/ledger/pan-addaccountingperiods.htm panel with accounting daily frequency (tag1257) = Daily, and start date (tag920) and end date (tag921) with the first and the last days of the current year as their values.

The panel in its turn executes following steps:

  • add initial period (only in case of MASTER entity)

  • add accounting periods

  • close initial period (only in case of MASTER entity)

4. Add initial valuation date
Executed by eagle/star/fund/pan-addinitialvaluationdatetf.htm panel