Generic Entity Section

Generic Entity Section

The data from the main section of EagleML message (all elements from EagleML/entityTransaction/genericEntity complex node except legalEntityId complex element) are loaded into RULESDBO.ENTITY, RULESDBO. ENTITY_STAR_PROCESSING, RULESDBO.ENTITY_EXTENSION and RULESDBO.ENTITY_EXTENSION_DETAIL database tables.
If the value of specified directly of calculated by Entity Xreference Identifiers element Entity Id is found in the record of RULESDBO.ENTITY DB table, the found record will be updated by the data from incoming EagleML message. Otherwise the new record will be inserted into DB tables.

Process Center

The value of element Process Center (entityTransaction/genericEntity/processCenter) should exists in RULESDBO.PROCESS_CENTER DB table (DB field PROCESS_CENTER) if the element is not null.

Entity STAR partition

If the element Entity Partition Assignment (entityTransaction/genericEntity/entityPartitionAssignment) is null, the value = 1 will be inserted into the database.

Loading data into history (HIST) DB tables

The specified DB tables have the same set of fields as the main tables. The new record will be inserted into the history tables in the following case:

  • When the new row were inserted into the main tables;

  • When the value of Effective Date element was updated in existing row.

In other cases the values in history DB tables will be updated in the same way as the values of main DB tables.

Entity Rules Unique Key

The Entity Rules Unique Key uniquely defines the specific Generic Entity record. The Entity Rules Unique Key should be the same in any environment.
In incoming message the key is containd in entityTransaction/genericEntity/entityRulesUniqueKey complex element.

The Entity Rules Unique Key is the set of following values:

Contract Cash Rule. The value is calculated by the value of Cash Rule Name element in incoming message – cashProcessRulesUniqueKey node.
For calculation used the lookup 'eagle/star/pan-qlcontract-cash-rule.htm', DB table SECURITYDBO.CASH_PROCESS_RULES.
If the result of lookup is null, the value for Contract Cash Rule is taken from entityTransaction/genericEntity/contractCashRule element of incoming message.

Earn Thru Rule. The value is calculated by the value of Earn Thru Rule Name in incoming message – earnthruRuleHdrUniqueKey node.
For calculation used the lookup 'eagle/star/pan-listerulename.htm', DB table ESTAR.ESTAR_EARNTHRU_RULE_HDR.
If the result of lookup is null, the value for Earn Thru Rule is taken from entityTransaction/genericEntity/earnThruRuleId element of incoming message.

Month End Date Rule. The value is calculated by the value of elements: Month Rule Desc + Week Day + Assign Day + Month Day in incoming message – monthEndDateRuleUniqueKey node.
For calculation used the lookup 'eagle eagle/star/ledger/pan-lsmonthenddaterule.htm', DB table PACE_MASTERDBO.MONTH_END_DATE_RULE.
If the result of lookup is null, the value for Mont End Date Rule is generated in the rule using the value of entity id and current time.
If the result of lookup is null but the elements of monthEndDateRuleUniqueKey complex node are present in the incoming message, the values of these elements (Month Rule Desc, Week Day, Assign Day and Month Day) will be added into the relevant fields of PACE_MASTERDBO.MONTH_END_DATE_RULE DB table.