Job Execution Warning Pattern
Job Execution Warning Pattern
The Job Execution Warning alert pattern is identified by the phrase “Job Execution Warning” in the email subject line right after the environment name.
In this example, the alert notifies you that a job is taking longer than the expected run time defined by the Implementation team.
Example Email with the Job Execution Warning Alert
Subject: ENVxxx: New=Y: Job Execution Warning: The processing of Perf Calc is taking longer than 60 seconds.
Impact: 2
Urgency: 2
Category: Technology Support
Sub-Category: Others
correlationId: ADX_A_20130109000009
businessTaskId: ACQUIRE_ALADDIN_20120913ADX_A_20130109000009_LOAD
Event details: PACE Event
Eagle Instance ID: 10361839
1. Error description: The processing of Perf Calc is taking longer than 60 minutes.