RTR-TSR Matching Error Pattern
RTR-TSR Matching Error Pattern
The RTR-TSR Matching Error alert pattern is identified by the phrase “RTR-TSR Matching error” in the subject line right after the environment name.
In this example, the alert indicates that there is a problem between what was received and what was processed. For each sent control message, a reply should be published so the RTR and TSR counts should match. If these counts do not match, there is an issue. Also, note that in the alert, the numbers that are displayed are total numbers, not details.
Example Email with the RTR-TSR Matching Error Alert
Subject: ENVxxx: New=Y: RTR-TSR Matching Error: RTR vs TSR - UNMATCHED. Total:349. Success:319. Error:4. InProgress:26
Impact: 2
Urgency: 2
Category: Technology Support
Sub-Category: Others
correlationId: B4131E651MBQWOCA
businessTaskId: B4131E651MBQWOCA
Error description: RTR vs TSR - UNMATCHED.Total:349.Success:319.Error:4.InProgress:26