Delete Set Rate Distributions

Delete Set Rate Distributions

In the Delete New Set Rate Distribution panel, you can delete a set rate distribution for a fund. If you created multiple set rate distributions for a fund, be aware that you can delete only the most recent distribution setup record. You cannot delete a previous instance of a set rate distribution.

To delete set rate distributions:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup Fund Accounting > Periodic Distributions > Delete New Set Rate Distribution.
    You see the Delete New Set Rate Distribution panel.

  2. In the Entity Id and Entity Name fields, select the unique identifier and name of the master fund associated with the set rate distribution you are deleting.
    The remaining fields in the panel describe the most recent set rate distribution for the entity, such as the distribution period, rate for the period, and daily rate. All remaining fields are locked and you cannot change them.

  3. Review the information to ensure you selected the correct set rate distribution to delete.

  4. Click Submit.
    The system deletes the set rate distribution.