Post Set Rate Distributions

Post Set Rate Distributions

In the Post Set Rate Distributions panel, you can submit the postings for the daily set distribution rate calculation. The system calculates a daily set rate and posts the distribution amount to the ledger. The system uses the distribution schedule to identify the days on which the set rate distribution process does not post a daily distribution. If you calculate set rate distributions on the end date of a non-distribution period, the system additionally calculates expense absorption. For detailed information about how the system processes set rate distributions, see Understand the Set Rate Distribution Process and Understand the Expense Absorption Process.

To post a set rate distribution: 

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Fund Accounting Distributions > Set Rate Distribution Post Set Rate Distributions.
    You see the Post Set Rate Distributions panel.

  2. In the Entity Id and Entity Name fields, select the unique identifier and name of the master fund associated with the set rate distributions you are reviewing.
    The Acct Currency field displays the base currency of the selected entity.

  3. In the Accounting Date field, specify the accounting date for the entity. 

  4. Click Submit.