Update a Waiver Hierarchy Rule to Add a Hierarchy Level

Update a Waiver Hierarchy Rule to Add a Hierarchy Level

In the Create/Update Waiver Hierarchy Rule panel, you can use this panel's Update option to add a new hierarchy level to an existing special waiver hierarchy rule. Each hierarchy level has a priority value, along with an expense and waiver account used for special waiver calculations. 

For details on using the panel's Add option to create a new waiver hierarchy rule for use with special waiver processing, see Create Waiver Hierarchy Rules. For details on using the Add option to create a waiver hierarchy rule for use with NII distribution adjustments, see Create Waiver Hierarchy Rules for NII DistributionsTo edit certain values for a waiver hierarchy rule, see Edit Waiver Hierarchy Rules

To update a waiver hierarchy rule:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Expense > Special Waivers Create/Update Waiver Hierarchy Rule.
    You see the Create/Update Waiver Hierarchy Rule panel.

  2. In the Special Waiver Type list, select the type of special waiver that uses the waiver hierarchy rule you want to update.
    Options include: 
    - Assumption Fee 
    - Waterfall Waiver
    - Waterfall Waiver for NII

  3. In the Special Waiver Hierarchy Rule box, specify the name of the waiver hierarchy rule you want to update.
    You see a value of Class or Fund displayed in the Rule Type field. After you provide this information to identify the rule, you can use the Rule Criteria options to add one or more hierarchy levels to the rule. The pane at the bottom of the panel shows the new hierarchy levels you are adding. It does not display the existing hierarchy levels.

  4. In the Accounting Basis field, select the basis that applies to the new hierarchy level.

  5. In the Effective Date field, specify the date that the new hierarchy level becomes effective.

  6. In the Waiver Hierarchy box, specify a numeric value for the priority of the new hierarchy level. 
    For example, if you have levels with a waiver hierarchy of 1, 2, and 3, the system uses Waiver Hierarchy Level 1 as the top priority level. 

  7. Complete the remaining options in the panel for the new hierarchy level.

  8. If you want to define multiple tier levels, use the pane at the bottom of the panel, as follows: 
    - Click the lower pane. 
    - Right-click and select Add Rows
    - Enter the number of rows you want to add in the Enter Rows Count dialog box and click OK. You need to add a row for each additional level you want to associate with the tier rule. 
    - Complete the fields on each row you added.

  9. Click Submit.