Create a Special Waiver for a Waterfall Waiver

Create a Special Waiver for a Waterfall Waiver

In the Create Special Waiver panel, you can add a special waiver for a waterfall waiver. For waterfall waivers, you set up special waivers for the total fund and all share classes. For general setup information and an example, see Understand Waterfall WaiversWhen you set up a special waiver for a waterfall waiver, you identify the appropriate special waiver ledger rule and special waiver hierarchy rule to use. You specify the basis point Expense Limit/Cap in decimal format, the NAV Component value for each share class, as well. as other values used for the calculations. 

To create a special waiver for a waterfall waiver:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Expense > Special Waivers Create Special Waiver.
    You see the Create Special Waiver panel.

  2. In the Entity ID, Entity Name, and Accounting Basis fields, specify the entity identifier, entity name, and accounting basis for the special waiver. 
    The system checks the type of special waiver processing the entity can use. Because you set up the entity as eligible for Waterfall Waiver Daily or Waterfall Waiver FYTD, the Share Class field allows you to define waiver information at the share class level. You can specify waiver information for each share class.

  3. In the Share Class Rule box, click the share class you are defining. 

  4. In the Special Waiver Rule box, select the special waiver ledger account rule to use for the special waiver.
    The Special Calc Type box is locked and you cannot change it.

  5. Complete the options based on your choice of the Daily or Cumulative method.
    For example, if you select the Daily method, you must select a NAV Component value. Or if you select Cumulative, you must select a TNA Use Prior Period value. 

  6. In the Special Waiver Hierarchy Rule box, select the special waiver hierarchy rule to use for the special waiver.
    The lookup allows you to select a special waiver hierarchy rule that has a type of Waterfall Waiver.

  7. Specify the Start Date and End Date values for the special waiver. 
    You must specify a start date.

  8. Complete the remaining options in the Create Special Waiver panel. 
    You can specify recoupment criteria. 

  9. If you want to define special waivers for an additional share class for the entity, use the pane at the bottom of the panel, as follows: 
    - Click the lower pane. 
    - Right-click and select Add Rows
    - Enter the number of rows you want to add in the Enter Rows Count dialog box and click OK. You need to add a row for each additional level you want to associate with the entity. 
    - Complete the fields on each row you added.

  10. Click Submit.