Delete Special Waivers

Delete Special Waivers

In the Delete Special Waiver panel, you can delete a special waiver. Be aware that if you want to end a special waiver without deleting it, you can edit the special waiver to specify an End Date, or expiration date, for that special waiver. You can also disable use of special waver processing at the entity level to prevent processing special waivers that use a specified special waiver processing method for an entity. 

To delete a special waiver:

  1. In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Expense > Special Waivers Delete Special Waiver.
    You see the Delete Special Waiver panel.

  2. In the Delete Special Waiver panel, identify the special waiver you want to delete by entering the entity, basis, and share class.
    The remaining fields in the panel display information about the special waiver you selected.

  3. Click Submit.