Delete Waiver Hierarchy Rules
In the Delete Waiver Hierarchy Rule panel, you can delete a special waiver hierarchy rule.
To delete a waiver hierarchy rule:
In Accounting Center, in the left navigation pane, click Setup > Expense > Special Waivers > Delete Waiver Hierarchy Rule.
You see the Delete Waiver Hierarchy Rule panel.Click the Special Waiver Type list and select the type of waiver hierarchy rule you want to delete.
Options include:
- All
- Assumption Fee
- Waterfall Waiver
- Waterfall Waiver for NIIIf you want to delete only fund-level or class-level waiver hierarchy rules, set Rule Type to Fund or Class.
In the Special Waiver Hierarchy Rule box, select the rule you want to delete.
Click Submit.
You see a list of waiver hierarchy rules that met your criteria in the Show All tab.Select the check box for the row of the waiver hierarchy rule that you want to delete, and click Delete Special Waiver Hierarchy Rule.
You see the selected rule in the Delete Special Waiver Hierarchy Rule panel. The pane at the bottom of the panel includes a row for each level in the waiver hierarchy.You can change the Special Waiver Recoupment value to Yes or No for each hierarchy level.
This field is not available for rules with a Special Waiver Type of Waterfall Waiver for NII, because they are not eligible for recoupments.In the Delete Effective Date field for each hierarchy level, enter the date that the deletion takes effect.
Click Submit.